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为进一步推动本市群众性教育科研活动更加广泛、更加深入的发展,本期特意选用南汇县教科室组织的一组教育科研论文予以发表。这一组文章大多是南汇县教学第一线的教师们在日常繁忙的教学业务活动过程中撰写的。作者针对教学中的矛盾和问题,把它们变成教育研究的课题,用科学方法探索提高教学效果的合理的、合适的办法,为提高任教学科的质量做了许多科学的、扎实的工作。尽管他们撰写的报告还需要提高水平、充实内容、丰富内涵,但他们的研究精神是难能可贵的,他们的行动较之视科研为“远水”、为“软任务”,对教育科研仍持这样那样怀疑态度的同志来说,已前进了质的一步,可以想见,只要他们继续努力,坚信科学,认真探索,一定会在新的研究中取得更丰硕的成果。南汇县教科室的同志们为扶植一批教师走上科研之路做了很多工作。他们的实践提示我们:教科室应当把相当一部分精力放在实实在在地指导第一线教师的教育科研上,而不要忙于事务。建立在事务堆上的科研指导和管理是不可能取得预想效果的,只有真心实意地、脚踏实地地帮助教师搞科研,才能带动一批,提高一批,才能出成果,出效果,也才能提高本区(县)的总体研完水平。显然上述工作要求的实现,必将促进区(县)教科室的研究人员尽快成为学术带头人。今年,是上海市普通教育系统群众性科研活动开展的第十个年头,我们期待着普教科研园地群众性教育科研之花更加艳丽! In order to further promote mass education and research activities in this municipality, a series of educational research articles organized by the Nanhui County Department of Education were published for publication in a broader and more in-depth manner. Most of the articles in this group were written by teachers in the forefront of teaching in Nanhui County during their busy teaching and learning activities. In response to the contradictions and problems in teaching, the author turns them into topics of educational research, explores reasonable and appropriate ways to improve teaching effectiveness through scientific methods, and has done many scientific and solid work to improve the quality of teaching subjects. Although the reports they write still need to be improved, enriched and rich in content, their research spirit is commendable. Their actions are far-reaching and “soft tasks” compared with those of research and research, and they still do so in education and scientific research To those who are skeptical, they have already taken a qualitative step forward. We can see it as long as they continue their efforts, are convinced that science and earnest exploration will surely yield more fruitful results in new research. Nanhui County, the comrades in the classroom to build a group of teachers embarked on the road to scientific research done a lot of work. Their practice prompts us: the teaching and research section should devote a considerable amount of energy to actually guiding the education and research of front-line teachers rather than doing business. Scientific research guidance and management based on the business heap can not achieve the desired results. Only by genuinely and faithfully helping teachers engage in scientific research can we promote a group of students and improve them in order to achieve results and improve results. District (county) overall research level. Clearly, the fulfillment of the above work requirements will surely promote the researchers in the district (county) classrooms to become academic leaders as soon as possible. This year marks the 10th year of the mass scientific research activities of the general education system in Shanghai. We look forward to a more colorful flower of mass education and research in the General Education Research Park.
本文着重谈了作者创造运用两只手来准确判断对映异构构型的方法及教学体会。 This article focuses on the author’s method of using two hands to accurately determine
摘要:“实境式”教学是课程内容、组织管理、考核机制的全方位企业化,是为培养学生岗位适应性、实现“零距离”上岗而开创的全新教学模式。  关键词:实境式教学;基于工作过程;企业化管理模式;岗位适应性  高职教育与一般的本科教育有所不同,它更強调学生的职业技能,要求学生有极强的实践能力,到岗即能顶岗。现高职教育所倡导的“零距离”就业,在实际操作中会遇到一些问题,如教学内容与岗位需求的偏差、学生专业知识的
语篇分析是将一个具有语用和语义连贯(pragmaticallyand semantically)的语篇看做一个意义单位,考虑到语境、文化、社会认知等方面的因素,对其内在的语法结构、词汇、语序等