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我的故乡地处渤海湾畔昌潍平原的寿光,因临近海边土质盐碱,过去是远近闻名的僻壤荒漠之地。而如今已成为农林牧副渔综合发展的富裕区,处处绿树成林,良田块块成方,滩涂百里,碧波荡漾,成群的鸟儿在尽情飞翔,结队的鱼虾在水中追逐游嬉,到处繁花似锦,瓜果飘香,鱼鲜蟹肥,一派百花园般的锦绣景象。当你漫步在乡间路上放眼远眺,那一排排盛产蔬菜的冬暖式塑料大棚,像大海波涛般尽收眼底,那绿油油的苹果 My hometown is located in Shouguang, Changping Plain on the bank of the Bohai Bay. Due to the proximity of the saline soil near the beach, the past is a land known as a remote desert. Nowadays, it has become a wealthy area for the comprehensive development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. There are green trees everywhere, fertile fields and blocks, beaches and terraces, blue waves, flocks of birds flying and swarming of fish and shrimp in the water Traveling, colorful flowers everywhere, the fragrance of fruits, fish, fresh crabs, one hundred garden-like beauty scene. As you stroll through the country road and look into the distance, the row of warm-type plastic greenhouse with rows of vegetables grows like a sea of ​​waves, and the green apples
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镇江肉联厂,一直使用江苏省食品公司监制的GOT77型光电机程序控制器进行宰杀。该控制器一台需CT10-10 A交流接触器五只ZT——44中间继电器4只,RTO—15熔断器10只,BK-50VA控
传承阳湖文脉,谱写吴韵新章。发轫于本世纪初的江苏省常州市武进区湖塘实验中学地处经贸繁盛、人文荟萃的江南腹地。十年来,学校以 Heritage Yanghu context, write a new c
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