Effects of Root Penetration Restriction on Growth and Mn Nutrition of Different Winter Wheat Genotyp

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saarelff
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Effects of root penetration restriction on the growth and Mn nutrition of different wheat genotypes were studied in paddy soils using a method of nylon net bags (400 mesh) buried in the soil. The results showed that the spatial distribution of Mn in paddy soils played an important role in the growth and Mn nutrition of wheat crops. In the treatment where wheat roots were restricted in the plough layer by nylon net bags, the symptoms of Mn deficiency in wheat occurred much earlier and more seriously than usual. Of the two tested wheat genotypes, 80-8 was tolerant to Mn deficiency while 3295 was sensitive to Mn deficiency, respectively. The restriction of root penetration intensified symptoms of Mn deficiency of the Mn-deficient sensitive genotype (3295). The experiment demonstrated that well-developed roots with a strong ability to penetrate into the Mn-rich deep soil layer might explain the better tolerance of Mn deficiency in the tolerant genotypes. Effects of root penetration restriction on the growth and Mn nutrition of different wheat genotypes were studied in paddy soils using a method of nylon net bags (400 mesh) buried in the soil. The results showed that the spatial distribution of Mn in paddy soils played an important role in the growth and Mn nutrition of wheat crops. In the treatment where wheat roots were restricted in the plough layer by nylon net bags, the symptoms of Mn deficiency in wheat occurred much earlier and more seriously than usual. genotypes, 80-8 was tolerant to Mn deficiency, respectively. The restriction of root penetration intensified symptoms of Mn deficiency of the Mn-deficient sensitive genotype (3295). The experiment demonstrated that well-developed roots with a strong ability to penetrate into the Mn-rich deep soil layer might explain the better tolerance of Mn deficiency in the tolerant genotypes.
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