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  Major James Nesmeth had a dream of improving his golf game — and he developed a unique method of achieving his goal. Until he devised this method, he was just your average weekend golfer, shooting in mid- to low-nineties. Then, for seven years, he completely quit the game. Never touched a club. Never set foot on a fairway1.
  Ironically2, it was during this seven-year break from the game that Major Nesmeth came up with his a-mazingly effective technique for im-proving his game — a technique we can all learn from. In fact, the first time he set foot on a golf course after his hiatus3 from the game, he shot an astonishing4 74! He had cut 20 strokes5 off his average without having swung6 a golf club in seven years! Unbelievable. Not only that, but his physical condition had actually deteriorated7 during those seven years.
  What was Major Nesmeth’s secret? Visualization. You see, Major Nesmeth had spent those seven years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam. During those seven years, he was imprisoned8 in a cage that was approximately four and one-half feet high and five feet long.
  During almost the entire time he was imprisoned, he saw no one, talked to no one and experienced no physical activity. During the first few months he did virtually9 nothing but hope and pray for his release. Then he realized he had to find some way to occupy his mind or he would lose his sanity10 and probably his life. That’s when he learned to visualize.
  In his mind, he selected his favorite golf course and started playing golf. Every day, he played a full 18 holes at the imaginary country club of his dreams. He experienced everything to the last detail. He saw himself dressed in his golfing clothes. He smelled the fragrance11 of the trees and the freshly trimmed12 grass. He ex-perienced different weather conditions — windy spring days, overcast13 winter days, and sunny summer mornings. In his imagi-nation, every detail of the tee14, the individual blades of grass, the trees, the singing birds, the scampering15 squirrels16 and the lay of the course became totally real.
  He felt the grip17 of the club in his hands. He instructed him-self as he practiced smoothing out his down-swing and the follow-through on his shot. Then he watched the ball arc18 down the exact center of the fairway, bounce19 a couple of times and roll to the ex-act spot he had selected, all in his mind.
  In the real world, he was in no hurry. He had no place to go. So in his mind he took every step on his way to the ball, just as if he were physically on the course. It took him just as long in imagi-nary time to play 18 holes as it would have taken in reality. Not a detail was omitted. Not once did he ever miss a shot, never a hook20 or a slice21, never a missed putt22.
  Seven days a week. Four hours a day. Eighteen holes. Seven years. Twenty strokes off. Shot a 74.
  一周7天。 一天4个小时。18个洞。7年。少了20杆。他打出74杆的成绩。

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