科技创新 引领首都园林绿化科学发展——北京市园林绿化科技创新示范区一览

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党的十八大把生态文明建设纳入“五位一体”的社会主义总体布局,提出“努力建设美丽中国”的新目标。北京市委、市政府提出“率先实践生态文明、努力建设美丽北京”。面对新形势、新任务,作为首都生态环境建设主体的园林绿化,在首都生态文明和美丽北京建设中担负的任务更艰巨,使命更光荣。作为首都园林绿化工作的重要引擎,园林绿化科技工作对首都园林绿化中心工作起到了重要的支撑、引领和服务保障作用。长期以来,首都园林绿化科技工作在市委、市政府的正确领导下,在相关委办局和各区县科 The 18th National Party Congress put the construction of ecological civilization into the overall layout of socialism in the “Five in One” and put forward the new goal of “making great efforts to build a beautiful China.” Beijing municipal government put forward “take the lead in practicing ecological civilization, and strive to build a beautiful Beijing.” In the face of the new situation and new tasks, as the main afforestation of the capital’s ecological environment, the task undertaken in the construction of the capital’s ecological civilization and beautiful Beijing is even more arduous and the mission is even more glorious. As an important engine of the capital landscaping, landscaping science and technology work on the capital landscaping center has played an important support, leading and service support role. For a long time, the capital landscaping science and technology work under the correct leadership of the municipal government, in the relevant Commission Office and the various districts and counties
介绍德国根治性前列腺切除术治疗前列腺癌进展 ,重点介绍其手术适应症、手术经验以及腹腔镜和机械手辅助的根治性前列腺切除术现状。 Introduction of radical prostatectom
In order to ascertain the distribution of flow depth and velocity of debris flow, the combination of nu-merical modeling and the GIS technology has been used to