Since Gutenberg invented the modern press more than 500 years ago, making it easy and affordable for the general public to access books and important scientific works, nothing new has opened up to everyone just like Google and has revolutionized access The way of information. Google’s web design is very simple, just a white background with colorful, rich childlike Google logo. On such a simple page, Google’s ability to respond to numerous queries on a daily basis, quickly and intelligently, has become a way for people to find out about the latest news. It seems overnight, Google has integrated into everyone’s daily life, become an integral part. Millions of people use Google in more than 100 languages every day, and Google and the Internet are already integrated. No matter what data you want to search, just get “Google” on your computer or phone and you get the answer right away. Men, women, children and children rely heavily on Google, even unimaginable. How to live less Google itself.