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信息技术课程作为中小学中一门历史短、发展快的课程,其地位、性质、目的和内容被逐步明确,并已成为一门集知识性、应用性、综合性于一体的基础性学科,尤其在本次基础教育课程改革中,信息技术更被提高到一个崭新高度。 As a short and fast-developing curriculum in primary and secondary schools, the status, nature, purpose and content of information technology courses are gradually clarified and have become a basic discipline integrating knowledge, application and comprehensiveness. Especially in this basic education curriculum reform, information technology has been further upgraded to a new height.
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数学结合思想是中学数学中的一个重要解题方法,本文通过几个具体例子说明这个方法在求解函数最值问题中的运用. The idea of ​​mathematical combination is an important