LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb Dating in the Jurassic Daohugou Beds and Correlative Strata in Ningcheng of Inn

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LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb dating is applied to volcanic rocks overlying and underlying the Salamander-bearing bed in the Daohugou beds of Ningcheng in Inner Mongola and Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping in western Liaoning.The results indicate that the youngest age of the rocks in Daohugou of Ningcheng is 158 Ma,and the oldest one is 164 Ma.Synthesized researches indicate that the salamander-bearing beds in Daohugou of Ningcheng,Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping were developed in the same period.The Daohugou beds were formed in the geological age of 164-158 Ma of the middle-late Jurassic.Whilst,the Daohugou beds and its correlative strata should correspond to the Tiaojishan Formation(or Lanqi Formation)of the middle Jurassic in northern Hebei Province and western Liaoning Province,based on the disconformity between the Daohugou beds and its overlaying beds of the Tuchengzi Formation of Late Jurassic and the Jehol Beds of early Cretaceous,and the disconformity between the Daohugou Beds and its underlying Jiulongshan Formation,which is composed of conglomerate,sandstone,shale with coal and thin coal beds. LA-ICPMS Zircon U-Pb dating is applied to volcanic rocks overlying and underlying the Salamander-bearing bed in the Daohugou beds of Ningcheng in Inner Mongola and Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping in western Liaoning. The results indicate that the youngest age of the rocks in Daohugou of Ningcheng is 158 Ma, and the oldest one is 164 Ma. Synthesized researches indicate that the salamander-bearing beds in Daohugou of Ningcheng, Reshuichang of Lingyuan and Mazhangzi of Jianping were developed in the same period. The Daohugou beds were formed in the geological age of 164-158 Ma of the middle-late Jurassic. Whilst the Daohugou beds and its correlative strata should correspond to the Tiaojishan Formation (or Lanqi Formation) of the middle Jurassic in northern Hebei Province and western Liaoning Province, based on the disconformity between the Daohugou beds and its overlaying beds of the Tuchengzi Formation of Late Jurassic and the Jehol Beds of early Cretaceous, and the disconformity between the Daohugou Beds and its underlying Jiulongshan Formation, which is composed of conglomerate, sandstone, shale with coal and thin coal beds.
我是1959年8月考入南充市艺术学校的,初学花旦。几年后因剧团转轨,只演现代戏,又因我的大嗓儿比小嗓儿好,领导遂决定我改演老旦,并于1965年被选送到北京京剧团学习深造。 19
病例患者男,45岁.10余年前,患者偶然发现颈部有一5 cm×4 cm大小肿块,以后渐进性增大,因无不适,未就诊,近来因肿块增大,影响外观来我院就诊.检查:颈部有一巨大肿块,质软,边界不清,颈部周径55 cm,肿块上下径15cm,位颈前区部分呈瀑布状,上至下颌骨下缘,下至第二肋间,两侧至胸锁乳突肌前缘.
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刘存周 ,男 ,194 4年 12月出生于山东掖县 ,先后任哈尔滨制药厂助理工程师、科长、副厂长、厂长。哈药集团有限公司董事长兼总经理 ,高级经济师。兼任中国化学制药工业协会副