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一九二四年的一天,素有“江南棋王”之称的围棋名手况易山带着八岁的儿子阿明,应挚友古琴家关小舟之邀到北京赴棋会,日本名棋手松波麟作也应邀前往。棋会在北洋军阀庞总长家举行。况与庞对弈,并击败了他。庞恼羞成怒,剥夺了他和松波的对弈机会。关小舟担心军阀借故陷害况,要他马上离开北京。松波当夜找到关家,与况对弈。无意中又发现阿明棋艺精湛。棋未尽,况却被警察抓走了。松波虽设法将况救出,但却留下了一盘没有下完的棋。行前,松波欲将阿明带到日本去培养,况为松波的诚挚友谊所感动,答应再过几年送阿明到日本。从此,况易山隐居江南小镇,苦心培养阿明。一九三○年,他变卖祖产,送子赴日,临行前,他将一把写着“奋飞”二字的折扇交给阿明,以勉励他为振兴祖国棋运而努力。阿明走後,日军开始大举侵华。况易山在 On the day of 1924, known as “Jiangnan Chess King”, Yi Yishan, with his eight-year-old son Amin, should be invited by the Guqin Guan boat to go to Beijing for a board game. Japanese chess player Song Bo Lin Also invited to visit. Chess will be held at the Northern Warlord Pang governor’s home. Situation and Pang game, and beat him. Pang angry, deprived of the opportunity to play against him and Song Bo. Concerned about the war boat shut the boat accident situation, asking him to leave Beijing immediately. Song Bo night to find off the house, and the situation on the chess. Inadvertently found Aoming chess superb. Chess is not done, but the situation was captured by the police. Although Songbo managed to save the situation, he left behind a plate of chess that did not finish. Before the trip, Song Bo intends to bring Amin to Japan to cultivate the situation as the sincere friendship of Song Bo touched, promised to send Amin to Japan in a few years. Since then, Yi Yi Shan seclusion Jiangnan town, painstakingly cultivate Amin. In 1930 he sold his ancestral home and sent his son to Japan. Before his departure, he handed Amin a fan of the word “Fenfang” to encourage him to work hard to revitalize the motherland. After Amin left, the Japanese aggressively launched an invasion of China. Condition easy mountain
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