
来源 :内医学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cronyGT
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肿瘤的发生发展和转归与机体免疫状态有很大关系,恶性肿瘤病人的免疫反应状态降低已为很多材料证实。本文对我科近二年来在调查恶性肿瘤病人免疫反应状态材料中的大肠癌病例作一初步小结。一调查对象 1978—1979年因大肠癌在我科住院经手术、窥镜、组织病理和细胞学证实为癌者,对其中38例进行了免疫反应状态的调查,其中男女各19例,平均年令49岁(17—68岁)。 Tumor development and prognosis and the immune status of the body has a great relationship, the reduction of immune response in patients with malignant tumors has been confirmed for many materials. In this paper, we conducted a preliminary summary of the cases of colorectal cancer in our hospital for investigating the immune response of malignant tumor patients in recent two years. A survey of 1978-1979 due to colorectal cancer hospitalized in our department by surgery, endoscopy, histopathology and cytology confirmed as cancer, of which 38 cases were investigated for the immune response, including 19 men and women, the average annual Let 49 years old (17-68 years old).
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中国篇 Chinarn1981年12月20日20时左右,雷本跃在云南曲靖拍摄到不明飞行物照片.这是一个球状不明飞行物,它的下方有两条交叉成120°的光柱,高度估计在3000米~4000米,由于照片
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