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中国文论不同语境的参照系——谈谈域外古代文论研究○王晓路长期以来,中国文论的研究一方面是生搬硬套俄苏文论(或西方文论)模式,另一方面则是以古解古,自说自话。对域外古代文论研究漠不关心。这种“自我参照”的研究方法,倘若不与“互为参照”相结合,就势必会形... The Reference System of Chinese Literary Theory in Different Contexts - Talking about the Study of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory ○ Wang Xiaolu The study of Chinese literary theory has long been a model of mechanically translating Russian literary theory (or Western literary theory), on the one hand, Ancient antiquity, since talking to himself. Indifference to the study of ancient foreign literary theory. This “self-reference” approach to research, if not combined with “cross-references,” is bound to be shaped ...
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社长:总 编:副总编:兰零江 暴驴徐方葫经中农和各省、市、科技》杂志社聘请以下482002年《农资不分先后):杨立升(北京) 牛保平(北京J 王铨忠(天津) 敬兰敏(河北)武飞勋(山西)
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