Estimated cancer incidence and mortality in Hebei province,2012

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang8550cimc
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Objective: This study estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and cancer deaths in Hebei province using incidence and mortality data from 9 population-based cancer registries in 2012.Methods: The data of new diagnosed cancer cases and cancer deaths in 2012 were collected from 9 population-based cancer registries of Hebei province in 2015. All the data met the National Central Cancer Registry of China(NCCR) criteria of data quality. The pooled data analysis was stratified by areas(urban/rural), gender, age group(0, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, …, 85+) and cancer type. New cancer cases and deaths in Hebei province were estimated using age-specific rates and corresponding provincial population in 2012. The 10 most common cancers in different groups and the cumulative rates were calculated. Chinese population census in 2000 and Segi’s population were used for age-standardized incidence/mortality rates. Results: All cancer registries covered 4,986,847 populations, 6.84% of Hebei provincial population(2,098,547 in urban and 2,888,300 in rural areas). The percentage of cases morphologically verified(MV%) and death certificate-only cases(DCO%) were 76.40% and 4.72%, respectively. The mortality to incidence rate ratio(M/I) was 0.64. In 2012, it is estimated that there were about 187,900 new diagnosed cancer cases and 119,800 cancer deaths in Hebei province. The incidence rate of cancer was 258.12/100,000(275.75/100,000 in males, 239.78/100,000 in females), and the age-standardized incidence rates by Chinese standard population(ASIRC) and by world standard population(ASIRW) were 210.65/100,000 and 208.50/100,000, with the cumulative incidence rates(0-74 years old) of 24.46%. The cancer incidence and ASIRC were 256.99/100,000 and 211.32/100,000 in urban areas and 258.94/100,000 and 209.99/100,000 in rural areas, respectively. The cancer mortality rate was 164.63/100,000(201.85/100,000 in males, 125.92/100,000 in females). Agestandardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population(ASMRC) and by world standard population(ASMRW) were 137.30/100,000 and 137.39/100,000 with the cumulative mortality rate(0-74 years old) of 14.58%, respectively. The cancer mortality rate in rural areas(167.16/100,000) was higher than that in urban areas(161.16/100,000). The most common cancers were lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer, which accounted for 72.31% of all cancer cases. Lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer and colorectal cancer were the major causes of cancer death in Hebei province, which accounted for 75.24% of all cancer deaths. The cancer spectrum differs between urban and rural, males and females in both incidence and mortality rates.Conclusions: The most common cancers were lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer in Hebei province. Objective: This study estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and cancer deaths in Hebei province using incidence and mortality data from 9 population-based cancer registries in 2012. Methods: The data of new diagnosed cancer cases and cancer deaths in 2012 were collected from 9 population-based cancer registries of Hebei province in 2015. All the data met the National Central Cancer Registry of China (NCCR) criteria of data quality. The pooled data analysis was stratified by areas (urban / rural), gender, age group , 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, ..., 85+) and cancer type. New cancer cases and deaths in Hebei province were estimated using age-specific rates and corresponding provincial population in 2012. The 10 most common cancers in Chinese population census in 2000 and Segi’s population were used for age-standardized incidence / mortality rates. Results: All cancer registries covered 4,986,847 populations, 6.84% of Hebei provincial populati (2,098,547 in urban and 2,888,300 in rural areas). The percentage of cases were morphologically verified (MV%) and death certificate-only cases (DCO%) were 76.40% and 4.72%, respectively. The mortality to incidence rate ratio (M / The incidence rate of cancer was 258.12 / 100,000 (275.75 / 100,000 in males, 239.78 / 100,000 in females) , and the age-incidence incidence rates by Chinese standard population (ASIRC) and by world standard population (ASIRW) were 210.65 / 100,000 and 208.50 / 100,000 with the cumulative incidence rates (0-74 years old) of 24.46%. The cancer incidence and ASIRC were 256.99 / 100,000 and 211.32 / 100,000 in urban areas, respectively. The cancer mortality rate was 164.63 / 100,000 (201.85 / 100,000 in males, 125.92 / 100,000 in females). Agestandardized mortality rates by Chinese standard population ( ASMRC) and by world standard population (ASMRW) were 137.30 / 100,000 and 137.39 / 100,000 with the cumulative mortality rate (0-74 years old) of 14.58%, respectively. The cancer mortality rate in rural areas (167.16 / 100,000) was higher than that in urban areas (161.16 / 100,000). The most common cancers were lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer, which accounted for 72.31% of all cancer cases. Lung cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer and colorectal cancer were the major causes of cancer death in Hebei province, which accounted for 75.24% of all cancer deaths. The cancer spectrum differences between urban and rural, males and females in both incidence and mortality rates. Conclusions: The most common cancers were lung cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer and colorectal cancer in Hebei province.
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