新85-90系列490Q 型轻型高速车用柴油机通过鉴定

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为满足我国1.5—2吨左右轻型载重汽车、2—3吨叉车、20—24瓩轻型发电机组以及各种小型拖拉机、农林机械等的配套要求,由上海内燃机研究所与浙江新昌柴油机总厂研制的490Q 轻型高速车用柴油机的技术鉴定会议于1982年12月8日在新昌召开。会议由浙江省农机局主持,参加会议的有主管部门、科研单位、高等院校、工厂和使用部门共54个单位90名代表。490Q 型柴油机是在已成批生产使用的我国轻型高速车用柴油机新85—90系列4缸机型—485Q 型柴油机基础上,按预定目标扩缸改进而发展的新机型。其设计总结了多年来该系列柴油机的生产使用实践经验和各项专题试验所取得的成果,并吸取了国内外同类机型的先进技术,保持了与485Q 型柴油机在外形安装和工艺装备上的继承性。其主要技术参数和鉴定样机达到的技术指标如下: To meet China’s 1.5-2 tons of light trucks, 2-3 tons of forklifts, 20-24 瓩 light-generating units and a variety of small tractors, agriculture and forestry machinery and other supporting requirements by the Shanghai Internal Combustion Engine Research Institute and Zhejiang Xinchang Diesel Engine Plant developed 490Q light high-speed automotive diesel technical appraisal meeting was held in Xinchang on December 8, The meeting was chaired by Zhejiang Agricultural Machinery Bureau and attended by 90 delegates from 54 departments, including competent departments, research institutes, institutions of higher learning, factories and departments in use. 490Q diesel engine is used in mass production and use of China’s light high-speed automotive diesel engine new 85-90 series 4-cylinder -485Q diesel engine, based on the scheduled expansion of the cylinder to improve the development of new models. The design summarizes the years of experience in the production and use of the series of diesel engines and the results of the various pilot projects and draw on the advanced technology of similar models at home and abroad to maintain and 485Q-type diesel engine in the shape of the installation and process equipment Inheritance. Its main technical parameters and identification of prototype to achieve the following technical indicators:
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