
来源 :生态与农村环境学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huihui1989
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随着我国畜禽养殖业的迅速发展,恶臭已成为引发周边居民投诉和纠纷的主要环境问题,严重制约了畜禽养殖业的可持续发展。因此,识别畜禽养殖恶臭来源及物质组成、总结恶臭测定技术和了解恶臭表征与评估方法,对于科学评估恶臭危害进而针对性地提出控制措施具有重要意义。系统梳理了畜禽恶臭物质的主要组成与特征,对比分析了畜禽恶臭主要测定技术的优缺点,讨论了主要的恶臭表征评估方法。畜禽恶臭中起关键作用的物质主要是挥发性脂肪酸类、含硫化合物、芳香族化合物(主要是酚类和吲哚)以及氨和挥发性胺类4类物质。畜禽恶臭的测定方法大致分为仪器分析法和嗅觉法2类,2类方法各有优劣。在分析现有恶臭成分的基础上,判别畜禽恶臭的关键物质,实现畜禽恶臭的现场连续监测是今后研究的热点。针对恶臭成分的复杂性,构建恶臭物质浓度与恶臭强度间的合理转化关系是进行恶臭评估的一种可行方法。 With the rapid development of livestock and poultry breeding industry in China, malodor has become the major environmental issue that has triggered the complaints and disputes among the surrounding residents, seriously restricting the sustainable development of livestock and poultry breeding industry. Therefore, it is of great significance to identify the source and composition of malodor in livestock and poultry breeding, summarize the technique of malodour determination and understand the method of characterization and evaluation of malodor, which can scientifically evaluate the malodour hazard and then put forward the control measures in a targeted manner. The main components and characteristics of malodorous substances in livestock and poultry were systematically analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the main measurement techniques of malodor in livestock and poultry were analyzed and compared. The main evaluation methods of malodor characterization were discussed. The main substances that play a key role in livestock malodor are volatile fatty acids, sulfur compounds, aromatics (mainly phenols and indoles), and ammonia and volatile amines. Animal odor measurement methods are roughly divided into instrumental analysis and olfactory method 2, 2 methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. On the basis of analyzing the existing malodor components, it is a hot topic in the future to determine the key substances of malodor in livestock and poultry and realize the continuous monitoring of the malodour of livestock and poultry in the field. In view of the complexity of the malodor components, it is a feasible way to evaluate the malodor by establishing a reasonable conversion relationship between malodorant concentration and malodour intensity.