DFT Study of Charge Effect on the Odd-even Oscillatory Behavior in Stabilities for Gold Clusters

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:isongnosi
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The comparative study of charge effect on the size-dependence stabilities of gold clusters Aunz(n = 2~12, z = 0/±1) in gas phase is performed at the M06-L/Lanl2 dz level. The lowest-energy structures charged by –1, 0 and +1 are optimized. The result shows that the geometries of the clusters with over 7 atoms tend to be cake-like. From the two- to three-dimensional geometries, the oscillatory behaviors are exhibited in the structural and electronic properties with the most pronounced in energy gap. The amplitude for the positive clusters is bigger than both the neutral and negative clusters. The neutral clusters with even number of even-coordinated atoms are more stable than the neighbors with odd number of even-coordinated atoms, as is completely reversed for the charged clusters. The oscillatory behaviors for the charged clusters are opposite to that for the neutral clusters, as is attributed to the electron-paired effect. The comparative study of charge effect on the size-dependence stabilities of gold clusters Aunz (n = 2~12, z = 0 / ± 1) in gas phase performed at the M06-L / Lanl2 dz level. The lowest-energy structures charged by -1, 0 and +1 are optimized. The result shows that the geometries of the clusters with over 7 atoms tend to be cake-like. From the two- to three-dimensional geometries, the oscillatory behaviors are exhibited in the structural and electronic properties with the most pronounced in energy gap. The amplitude for the positive clusters is bigger than both the neutral and negative clusters. The neutral clusters with even number of even-coordinated atoms are more stable than the neighbors with odd number of even- coordinated atoms, as is undecided by the charged clusters. The oscillatory behaviors for the charged clusters are opposite to that for the neutral clusters, as is attributed to the electron-paired effect.
本文根据作者多年的工作经验论述了在网络环境下,开发和利用传统馆藏文献信息资源时应采取怎样的措施和方法更有效,以及就信息服务的有偿无偿问题提出了自己的看法。 Based
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