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做好县一级的统计工作,对提高我国统计工作水平是至关重要的.特别是对搞准基层统计数据,尤其是搞准农村统计数据,有着非常重要的意义.而做好县级统计工作约关键在于县级统计机构的领导.下面介绍的是四位长年工作在基层的县统计局长的事迹材料,其中第一篇的作者许绥侯同志是辽宁省统计局组织的”‘热爱统计、献身统计’先进事迹报告团”在全省各市进行巡回报告的成员之—.这些县统计局长在自己的岗位上尽心尽职,工作很有成绩.他们的共同之处是热爱统计事业.清正廉洁,深入实际,调查研究,无私奉献.他们发扬了雷锋精神,在各自岗位上做出了突出贡献,受到人们的好评.人总是要有点精神的.我们希望全国广大统计工作者,特别是县级统计机构的领导干部能从中得到启迪,共同为发展我国的统计事业作出更多的贡献. To do a good job in statistics at the county level is of crucial importance in improving the level of statistical work in our country, and especially for the grasping of statistics at the grass-roots level, especially for rural statistics, and at the county level The key to the work lies in the leadership of the county-level statistical agencies.The following is the story of four counties and county bureau chiefs who have worked for many years in grassroots units. The first author, Xu Suihou, is a member of the Statistical Bureau of Liaoning Province, Dedication to statistics ’Advanced Deeds Report Team’ touring the provinces and cities in the provinces of the members of the report - the county statistics director dedicated in their posts, work very successful.Their commonality is the love of statistical services.Fair integrity, In-depth practical investigation and selfless dedication, they carried forward the spirit of Lei Feng and made outstanding contributions in their respective posts, praised by people. People always want a little spirit .We hope that the vast majority of statistical workers nationwide, especially at the county level Leading cadres of statistical agencies can learn from them and jointly make more contributions to the development of China’s statistical work.
Interactions of potassium and calcium ions with four typical variable charge soils in South China were examined by measuring pK-0.5pCa value with a potassium i
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阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必