
来源 :Journal of Resources and Ecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzhaodsg
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在畦灌过程中,畦田地形或微地形条件对灌溉效果影响很大。保护性耕作技术在华北平原的大面积推广改变了畦田地表结构状态。本研究提出畦面结构这一概念,并深入分析了三种畦面结构下的畦灌:平作畦灌(BSI),微垄沟灌(BFI),细沟灌(RI);田间试验和WinSRFR3.1模型相结合评估了不同畦面结构对畦灌水流过程和效果的影响,探索畦面结构对畦灌的影响机制。结果表明,WinSRFR3.1模型可以用来模拟微垄沟灌和细沟灌,平作畦灌、微垄沟灌和细沟灌的水流过程和灌溉效果各不相同。平作畦灌入渗速率最快而微垄沟灌入渗速率最慢;平作畦灌田面水流推进最慢而微垄沟灌田面水流推进最快;这两个过程综合作用导致平作畦灌灌溉效果最差而微垄沟灌灌溉效果最佳。不同畦面结构是灌溉效果差异的主要原因。畦面结构是畦灌系统中影响畦灌效果的重要因子。 In the process of irrigation, the topography or topography of topography has a great influence on the irrigation effect. The large-scale popularization of conservation tillage technology in the North China Plain has changed the state of the earth’s surface structure. In this study, the concept of noodle structure was proposed and the effects of three types of noodle structure were analyzed: BSI, BFI and RI; field experiments and WinSRFR3.1 model The effects of different noodles structure on the process and effect of water flow were analyzed to explore the mechanism of noodle structure on the irrigation. The results show that the WinSRFR3.1 model can be used to simulate the furrow irrigation and the furrow irrigation. The water flow and irrigation effect of the furrow irrigation and the furrow irrigation are different. The flat infiltration rate is the fastest and the furrow infiltration rate is the slowest in the furrow irrigation. The water flow in the flat furrow irrigation is the slowest while that in the furrow furrow irrigation is the fastest. The combined effect of these two processes results in the worst furrow irrigation effect and the furrow irrigation Irrigation best. Different noodles structure is the main reason for the difference in irrigation effect. The noodle structure is an important factor in the irrigation system that affects the irrigation effect.
我们都知道:精神病人犯罪是可以不追究刑事责任的。  尽管喝酒闯了大祸好像并不能得到人们的宽恕,比如酒后开车肇事那是要负责任的,但在日常生活中,“喝醉了”还是常常成为人们原谅一个人的语言与行为的借口。  比如,在某个场合,如果A满身酒气地冲撞了B,当B准备发作的时候,如果旁边C打圆场说“A喝醉了,别和他计较”,那么B也不好说什么,甚至也不生气了。  B为什么不好说什么,甚至不觉得生气呢?原来他和很多
一枚茶丝在水中旋转,飘舞,似一位高明的舞者,风姿绰约,沉浮有度。既而缓缓止住,安然沉于盏底,茶香已溢满四壁。  酒如侠,茶似隐。而师道正如茶。  为师者,不能急功近利,不能急躁速成,所需的是循循善诱的耐心和春风化雨的润泽。恰似以水泡茶,慢慢浓郁,久而弥笃,余韵悠长。  身处三尺讲台,鲜有机会去阅历繁华,少了些许俗世的浮躁,多了几刻品茗思索的雅致。  茶蕴平淡,色泽醇和,馨香内敛,恰如为师之路,平淡
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利多卡因是口腔科手术常用药物,在临床上引起急性过敏反应者极为罕见,现遇1例报告如下: 患者,男,32岁。因前倾阻生,远中邻面龋,探叩(+)。要求拔除,患者既往无药物过敏史。选
下颌骨骨折在颌面部损伤中发生率较高,现将我科1983~1990中225例下颌骨骨折的住院病例作一介绍分析。 1 —般资料 1.1 225例骨折患者中,男性204例,女性21例,男性为女性的9.71
12月号的歌词篇幅非常短,然而意味深远。也许是因为歌词较为简单,读者的译文整体质量较好。下面我们来仔细品味这首歌。 The lyrics for the December issue are very short