前不久,购得一台三洋VPC-G250数码像机,使用一段时间后,有些心得,现向各位读者汇报如下: · 这款机器给人一个最突出的特点 就是外形小巧精致,金属外壳像是镀了一层铬,光亮照人。大小只相当于一个烟盒,而重量也极轻,挂在腰间就如同挂了一个寻呼机一般。 功能: 1、VPC-G250,具有高速连拍的功 能,可以0.1或0.2秒为间隔连拍,最多可达15张。如果进行必要的设置,还可在摄像的同时,将声音也一并录下。
Not long ago, the acquisition of a Sanyo VPC-G250 digital camera, use for some time, some experience, are reported to you readers are as follows: This machine gives one of the most prominent feature is the appearance of small and exquisite, metal shell like Coated with a layer of chrome, shining bright. The size of the equivalent of only a cigarette case, and the weight is also very light, hung on the waist like hanging a pager in general. Function: 1, VPC-G250, with high-speed continuous shooting function, you can 0.1 or 0.2 seconds interval continuous shooting, up to 15. If you make the necessary settings, but also in the video at the same time, the sound will be recorded together.