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中国科学院将根据国家的战略发展需求,实施开发西部地区的西部行动计划。 实施西部大开发是党中央第三代领导集体总揽全局、适应新世纪发展的需要而作出的重大战略决策。在未来几年中,中科院将加大西部开发有关学科和项目的投入,吸引和培养更多的年轻人到西部工作,从而为国家西部大开发战略目标的实现做出基础性、战略性和前瞻性的贡献。早在建院初期,中科院就根据国家经济和社会发展的需要,在西部地区建立了一批研究所。在此基础上,中科院决定采取必要的组织措施,集中一定的资源,进行西部国 According to the strategic development needs of the country, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will implement the western plan of action for the development of the western region. The implementation of the large-scale development of the western region is a major strategic decision made by the third generation of the CPC Central Committee and the third-generation leading collectives in taking overall control of the overall situation and meeting the needs of the development of the new century. In the coming years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will increase investment in developing western regions and related disciplines and projects to attract and train more young people to work in the western regions, so as to make a basic, strategic and forward-looking view for the realization of the strategic goal of the western region's development Sexual contribution. As early as the early days of the founding of the CAS, the Chinese Academy of Sciences established a number of research institutes in the western region based on the needs of the country's economic and social development. On this basis, the Chinese Academy of Sciences decided to take the necessary organizational measures, concentrate certain resources, carry out the western countries
各级科协和广大科技工作者要投入科技创新的实践,为促进经济结构调整献计献策,建功立业 Science and Technology Association at all levels and the vast number of scienc
杭政办函[2008]23号各区、县(市)人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属单位:市旅委、市经委、市财政局拟订的《杭州市旅游纪念品开发专项资金管理办法》已经市政府同意,现转 Hangz