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复信亲爱的吴启武同志:《中华魂》编辑部转来的信件收到。我找来了您所说的那本杂志,细读了严家炎的那篇文章(以下简称“严文”),现在就来谈谈我的一些看法,聊供参考。关于“美”与“刺”。歌颂与暴露,古人叫做美与刺,这是对立的统一,关键是看歌颂与暴露的对象。毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》中指出:“你是资产阶级文艺家,你就不歌颂无产阶级而歌颂资产阶级;你是无产阶级文艺家,你就不歌颂资产阶级而歌颂无产阶级和劳动人民:二者必居其一。歌颂资产阶级光明者其作品未必伟大,刻画资产阶级黑暗者其作品未必渺小,歌颂无产阶级光明者其作品未必不伟大,刻画无产阶级所谓‘黑暗’者其作品必定渺小,这难道不是文艺史上的事实吗?”一部文学艺术史确确实实证明了这一点。丁玲曾是左翼文艺工作者联盟的一名 Reply Letter Dear Wu Qiwu: “China Soul” editorial department received the letter received. I got the magazine you mentioned, read the article by Yan Jiayan (hereinafter referred to as “Yan Wen”), and now I come to talk about some of my views for reference. About “beauty ” and “thorns ”. Ode to praise and exposure, the ancients called beauty and thorn, which is the unity of opposites, the key is to see praise and exposure of the object. Mao Zedong pointed out in his speech at the Yanan Forum on Literature and Art: “You are a bourgeois literary artist, you sing praises to the bourgeoisie without praising the proletariat; you are a proletarian literary artist, and you will not sing praise to the bourgeoisie without honor Class and working people: the two must live in one. The eulogizing of the bourgeois may not necessarily be a great work. The portrayal of the bourgeoisie may not be insignificant. The eulogizing of the proletarian luminaries does not necessarily mean that the work is not great and portrays the so-called ”darkness“ of the proletariat. Is it not a fact in the history of literature and art that its works must be insignificant? ”" The history of a literary art has proved this truthfully. Ding Ling was a left-wing literary workers Union
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