,Dispersing male Parnassius smintheus butterflies are more strongly affected by forest matrix than a

来源 :中国昆虫科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snower2010
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Dispersal is a central aspect of the ecology,evolution,and conservation of species.Predicting how species will respond to changing environmental conditions requires understanding factors that produce variation in dispersal.We explore one source of variation,differences between sexes within a spatial population network.Here,we compare the dispersal pattes of male and female Paassius smintheus among 18 subpopulations over 8 years using the Virtual Migration Model.Estimated dispersal parameters differed between males and females,particularly with respect to movement through meadow and forest matrix habitat.The estimated dispersal distances of males through forest were much less than for females.Observations of female movement showed that,unlike males,females do not avoid forest nor does forest exert an edge effect.We explored whether further forest encroachment in this system would have different effects for males and females by fitting mean parameter estimates to the landscape configuration seen in 1993 and 2012.Despite differences in their dispersal due presumably to both habitat and physiological differences,males and females are predicted to respond in similar ways to reduced meadow area and increased forest isolation.
We made intensive samplings to study the seasonal response of spiders across different forest strata (ground and understory) in a tropical mountain cloud forest
<正> 1937年11月20日,国民政府发布“为适应战况,由南京移驻重庆”的宣言。《新民报》于同月27日撤离南京,西迁重庆。该报第一任总编辑张友鸾老兄举家入蜀,他又回到报社工作。在漫天烽火中,沦陷区的难胞纷纷涌到重庆来,有“瓦片”可吃的房东们,乘机抬高房租。友鸾家老小三代,人口颇多,无力负担高额租金,遂在报社编辑部和印刷厂旁修建草房数间。落成之日,张恨水兄为之题名曰“惨庐”。“惨庐”主人张友鸾身居陋室,怡然自得,他所萦绕于怀的,则是抗战前途,祖国和中华民族的命运而已。
The brown planthopper (BPH),Nilaparvata lugens (St(a)l),is one of the major pests of rice throughout Asia.Extensive use of insecticides for suppressing N.lugens
萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.)是中国一种重要蔬菜作物,种质资源丰富。多倍体育种能够提高作物产量与品质;游离小孢子培养能够在短时间内获得纯合植株,缩短育种时间。但是目前萝卜多