
来源 :北京成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cpts
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北京轻型汽车有限公司是1988年成立的汽车制造合资企业, 有员工5600多人,生产B儿30和BJl04]两大系列19个品种的轻型载货汽车,具有年产各类汽车3万辆的生产能力。公司教育部门配合企业中心工作,在开展全员岗位培训的基础上,紧紧围绕新产品上马和产品质量保证进行工人岗位培训,使工人队伍素质有了较明显的提高,对公司生产发展起到了积极的促进作用。现在,公司生产工人已全部经过一轮岗位基础知识的培训与考核,实现了持证上岗的要求,公司的经济效益也有了大幅度提高,汽车产、销量在全国十大轻型汽车厂家中名列第二,全员劳产率、人均产值和单车利润等经济指标居全国同行业之首。一、紧密围绕公司经营目标选好培训突破口 Beijing Light Automobile Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of automobile manufacturing established in 1988 with over 5,600 employees and produces 19 varieties of light goods vehicles in two series of B30 and BJ04, with an annual output of 30,000 vehicles Production capacity. The Company’s education department cooperated with the work of the enterprise center and carried out the post training of all staff on the basis of carrying out the full-time post training so that the quality of the workers’ team has been obviously improved with the launch of new products and the quality assurance of products. The company has played a significant role in the production and development of the company Positive role in promoting. Now, the company’s production workers have all been through a round of job training and assessment of basic knowledge to achieve the requirements of certificates, the company’s economic efficiency has also been greatly improved, automobile production and sales of the top ten light vehicle manufacturers in the country Second, economic indicators such as full-service labor productivity, per-capita output and bicycle profit rank first in the country. First, focus on the company’s business objectives selected training breakthroughs
《中共中央关于国有企业改革和发展若干重大问题的决定》,把加强职业道德建设作为精神文明建设的重点,指出要 “The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist
时间:现代某日下午 地点:某县邮电局长家 人物:女局长和她的丈夫 【幕启。一张圆桌,两把椅子。丈夫正忙着拖地板。 丈夫:本人免贵姓庄,干了快二十年邮电。白天忙得团团转,下
Two grades of Dyneema~?composite laminates with the commercial designations of HB26 and HB50 were cut into blocks with or without an edge crack and compressed i
10.1 保留检索到此为止,我们已经讨论的所有检索过程涉及到以下几个方面:编制一个可执行的检索指令,最终检索到所希望的集合,然后同联统脱开。然而,有时候当你能够建立一 1