
来源 :心血管病学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaya1717
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开博通为一血紧张素转换酶抑制剂,通过抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ和Ⅲ的活性而发挥心血管效应。但血管紧张素还可作用于肠道,Jones kp报导6例服开博通后发生严重便秘和腹泻,与1991年6月WHO报告的43例肠道副作用相似。 6例服开博通的剂量为12.5~75mg/d。腹泻者4例,便秘2例。6例中有5例因副作用严重而停止开博通治疗。大鼠试验表明,血管紧张素抑制回肠,结肠之水和电解质的排泻,使肠道水和电解质增多。Levens试验表明:血管紧张素Ⅱ对肠道有双相作用。即小剂量可增加肠道水和电解质的吸收,而致便秘;大剂量时通过前列腺素抑制水和电解质的吸收。walus等对狗的试验表明:因血管紧张素使血流减少(氧耗量无变化)而使肠蠕动增强,从而又可引起腹泻。这一双相 Open Broadcom is a thromboxane converting enzyme inhibitor that exerts its cardiovascular effects by inhibiting the activity of angiotensin II and III. However, angiotensin may also act on the gut. Jones kp reported six cases of severe constipation and diarrhea following ketupotung, similar to the 43 cases of intestinal side effects reported by WHO in June 1991. 6 cases served to open Broadcom’s dose of 12.5 ~ 75mg / d. 4 cases of diarrhea, 2 cases of constipation. In 6 cases, 5 cases were stopped due to serious side effects. Rat experiments show that angiotensin inhibits the ileum, colonic water and electrolyte diarrhea, intestinal water and electrolyte increased. Levens test showed that: Angiotensin Ⅱ has a biphasic effect on the intestine. That small doses can increase the intestinal absorption of water and electrolytes, causing constipation; high doses of prostaglandins inhibit water and electrolyte absorption. Walus and other tests on dogs showed that: due to angiotensin to reduce blood flow (no change in oxygen consumption) and make peristalsis increased, which in turn can cause diarrhea. This bipolar
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1 病例介绍患者,男,53岁。因突发口唇肿胀、微麻伴双手背、上胸部紫红斑、痒2小时,急诊。发病前因三叉神经痛口服卡马西平2片,服药后约3小时患者自觉双唇突然肿胀不适,有麻
理论指导实践,实践深化理论,这是一个辨证的过程。一个有着很强实践能力的应用型人才要想长久的发展必然需要扎实的理论基础,对理论研究保持较高的兴趣。 Theory to guide p
The effectiveness of certain substituted dithiocarbamates in mobilizing lead from preexposed rats was investigated.The animals received 10mg Pb/kg/day, intraga