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<正> 西德青泽319型1000锭长车在自动化、传动、工艺部件等方面又有发展。一、自动化程度提高 1.DATA-GUARD数据控制系统由FIL-A-MAT自动接头装置连续记录全部与纺机有关的生产数据,并可在预先选定的时间间隔内进行显示。可传送环锭细纱机的开/停(次数),自动落纱机的开/停(次数),自动接头装置的成功率,纱锭监控器读数等。 2.FIL-A-GUARD断头控制系统的传感器检查回转中的钢丝圈,当发生断纱时,纱线探查器或自动接头装置通知粗纱自停装置,立
Ptychography is a diffraction-based X-ray microscopy technique in which an extended sample is scanned by a coherent beam with overlapped illuminated areas and c
In pursuit of high-precision beam position measurements at micrometers or submicrometers for the Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser (SXFEL) facility which
The relativistic heavy-ion collisions create bothhot quark-gluon matter and strong magnetic fields, andprovide an arena to study the interplay between quantumch
<正> 根据国家经委、纺织工业部下达的“吸湿、透气、舒适性机织物”项目,由无锡市纺织产品品种研究所承担试制,经过一年来有关科技人员的共同努力,克服了由于高吸湿纤维给织
Fault diagnostics is important for safe operation of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In recent years, data-driven approaches have been proposed and implemented to
Grating-based X-ray imaging can make use ofconventional tube sources to provide absorption, refractionand scattering contrast images from a single set of projec
<正> 我厂于1987年7月由意大利VAMATEX引进C/401型3600毫米剑杆织机。在二年多的使用中做了如下改进: 一、脉动运转主开关在操作中因控制梭口需要点动而使开关经常工作,由于
Atomic configuration and connectivity of Sb2Te3 thin film are investigated using high-energy X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo simulation. Atomic model
The solid-fueled thorium molten salt reactor (TMSR-SF1) is a 10 MWth test reactor design to be deployed in 5-10 years by the TMSR group. Its design combines coa