Prediction of Response to Multimodality Treatment inEsophageal Cancer

来源 :The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a2009090720
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Patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer have a dismal prognosis when treated exclu- sively by surgery. This fact prompted many investigators to apply neoadjuvant treatment strategies in an e?ort to improve survival. Results from phase III randomized trials are encouraging however, they revealed 五笔字型计算机汉字输入技术 that only patients with major histopathological response will bene?t from treatment. Therefore, predic- tive molecular markers indicating response or non-response to neoadjuvant treatment would be extremely helpful in selecting patients for current and future treatment protocols. In this paper we review the role of the molecular markers ERCC1 (excision repair cross-complementing 1 gene) and c-erbB-2 (synonym: HER2/neu) in predicting response to radiochemotherapy and outcome for patients with locally advanced resectable esophageal cancers (cT2-4, Nx, M0). The results are promising and it appears that we might expect to unequivocally identify with ERCC1 and c-erbB-2 respectively, approximately up to one third of patients who ful?l the criteria for neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced esophageal cancer but will not bene?t from our treatment protocol. Integration of such markers in the clinical setting might prevent a substantial number of patients from expensive, non-e?ective and potentially harmful therapies, and could lead to a more individualized type of combined multimodality treatment in the near future. Patients with locally advanced esophageal cancer have a dismal prognosis when treated exclu- sively by surgery. Results from phase III randomized trials are published but, they revealed 五笔Therefore, predictive trituration of molecular markers indicating response or non-response to neoadjuvant treatment would be extremely helpful in selecting patients for current and future treatment protocols. In this paper we review the role of the molecular markers ERCC1 (excision repair cross-complementing 1 gene) and c-erbB-2 (synonym: HER2 / neu) in predicting response to radiochemotherapy and outcome for patients with locally advanced resectable esophageal cancers cT2-4, Nx, M0). The results are promising and it appears that we might expect to unequivocally identify with ERCC1 and c-erbB-2 respectively, approximately up to one third of patients who ful? l the criteria for neoadjuvant treatment for locally advanced esophageal cancer but will not be be? t from our treatment protocol. Integration of such markers in the clinical setting might prevent a substantial number of patients from expensive, non-e? ective and potentially harmful therapies, and could lead to a more individualized type of combined multimodality treatment in the near future.
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