Non-odontogenic hard palate cysts with special reference to globulomaxillary cyst

来源 :整形与美容研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heroLi1126
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Palatal cysts are always confusing by deifning their exact nomenclature or conclusive diagnosis. One of these presentations is globulomaxillary cyst which requires to be categorized under appropriate head for the management point of view. Though this entity appears to be of odontogenic in origin but because of its anatomical relation and histo-pathological background this is placed in non odontogenic group. Though the mechanism of its formation remains the same but this cyst cannot be mixed up with nasopalatine cyst as per their location. Globulomaxillary cyst appears as inverted pear shaped radiolucency in all radiological procedures. This remains asymptomatic for a long time and rarely gets infected. We present a 29-year-old male who reported with one year history of asymptomatic right side hard palate swelling. He was subsequently diagnosed as globulomaxillary cyst with the help of radiological modalities like computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. This article will highlight mainly the clinical and radiological features of these cysts with particular reference to globulomaxillary cyst which is our presenting case.
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病历简介 患者男,20岁,学生。患者1996年9月9日在大学新生入学报到后体检复查时发现肝功能异常,两对半报告:HBsAg(+)、MBsAb(-)、HBeAg(-),HBeAb(+)、HBcAb(+)、HBV-DNA(+)。诊断为乙型肝炎。休学回家治疗。