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十补天淘淘走在最前面,推开第三层塔楼的木门走了进去。第三层塔楼的大厅和前两层差不多,也是红褐色的木地板,宽敞、明亮。只是,他们的头顶上并不是第四层塔楼的楼底,而是一片蔚蓝的天空!“这是什么情况啊?不会是懒巫师用魔法把上面的两层变没了吧?”淘淘往四周看了看。不知什么时候,来时的通道已经消失不见,他们正站在一块巨大无比的木地板的中央,四周一眼望不到边,最远处一直和低垂的蓝天连到一起! Amoy Ten Amoy Amoy walking in front, open the third floor of the wooden door into it. The third floor of the lobby is about the same as the first two floors, but also the red-brown wooden floor, spacious and bright. Only, their head is not the bottom of the fourth floor of the tower, but a blue sky! “What is the situation ah? Will not be the lazy wizard magically put the top two layers off?” Tao Tao looked around to look around. I do not know when, when the channel has disappeared, they are standing in a huge wooden floor in the middle of the four weeks can not see the edge, the furthest has been hanging down with the blue sky!
Dieulafoy病又称恒径动脉畸形,1884年Gallard首先报道了该病。1 898年法国医生Dieulafoy更为清楚地描述了该病的特征。Dieulafoy病是一个少见的疾病,约1%~2%病人可出现致死性
AIM: To investigate the potential role of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-KB) activation on the reactive oxygen species in rat acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP) a
AIM To examine the fetal and neonatal esophagogastric junction region (EGJ) histologically for the presence of an equivalent to adult cardiac mucosa (CM); to st
兔子朵拉从森林精灵那里得到了一颗魔法种子。精灵说:“这颗种子的神奇之处在于,你希望种出什么,它就会长出什么。”“我该用它种些什么呢?,,朵拉歪着脑袋琢磨(zuó mo)着。
目的探讨严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)合并消化道出血的临床特点与影响因素.方法回顾性分析与比较我院收治的SARS患者中合并消化道出血者的临床资料.结果220例SARS患者中并发消化道出血20例,占9%,出血发生在病程的5~35d.5例有呕血或黑便,15例粪潜血阳性.经法莫替丁、奥美拉唑、立止血、凝血酶和输血治疗,16例7~10 d内出血停止,4例因SARS合并呼吸衰竭死亡.在预防性服用H2受体阻滞
AIM: To explore the relationship between gastric and intestinal microcirculatory impairment and inflammatory mediators released in rats with acute necrotizing p