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为加强交通基础设施建设中的廉政工作,保证工程建设的高效优质,确保建设资金的安全和有效使用,交通部按照前作出的《在交通基础设施建设中加强廉政建设的若干意见(试行)》的要求,最近决定在重点交通基础设施建设中推行《廉政合同》,并于前不久以交监察发“2000”516号文通知有关单位。 In order to strengthen the work of clean government in the construction of transport infrastructure, ensure the high quality and efficiency of construction and ensure the safe and effective use of construction funds, the Ministry of Communications, in accordance with the “Several Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Clean Government in the Construction of Transport Infrastructure” Recently decided to implement the “Clean and Honest Contract” in the construction of major transport infrastructure and notified the relevant units shortly before handing over the “2000” No. 516 letter.
一、港口现状及多年亏损的原因安庆港位于长江北岸 ,皖河入江口 ,是国家一类对外开放口岸 ,也是安徽省及长江中下游重要的中转港之一。改革开放以来 ,安庆港规模不断扩大 ,现
中铁第十七工程局是《西部探矿工程》主办单位之一。中铁第十七工程局前身是中国人民解放军铁道兵第七师 ,组建于 195 2年 ,1984年兵改工并入铁道部。现有职工 1780 0人 ,拥
In this article,radar echoes of aircraft wake vortices are modeled as weighted sums of the frequency components of the echoes with a special covariance matrix f
The transition location of a boundary layer depends on the amplitude and characteristic of initial disturbances. The larger the amplitude and the amplification
The slender axis-symmetric submarine body moving in the vertical plane is the object of our investigation.A coupling model is developed where displacements of a
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The wing rock motion is frequently suffered by a wing-body configuration with low swept wing at high angle of attack.It is found from our experimental study tha