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贵刊2011年12期“万新有约”栏目中《侠商刘大伟:行业责任的守望者》一文问给我留下了深刻印象,刘大伟在经营好自己企业的同时,身体力行,以自己的影响力极力维护行业生态环境,制止不正当竞争的作法,值得广大零售商学习。——眼镜零售商郑正化(湖南) In the column of “Wan Xin You Yue”, the article entitled “The Warrior Liu Da Wei: The Watchman of the Industry Responsibility” left a deep impression on me. While Liu Dawei runs his own business, he tries his best Influences Vigorously maintain the ecological environment of the industry, to prevent unfair competition practices, it is worth the majority of retailers to learn. Glasses retailer Zheng Zhenghua (Hunan)
Using the model based on the homo-pressure approximation, we explain why the maximum temperature is sensitive to the ambient temperature in the single bubble so
The photodarkening effect in amorphous As2S3 films is studied. The optical absorption edge shifts to a lower energy after illumination at the bandgap light of 5
We report on the measurement of the L-shell absorption spectrum of Mg laser plasma. The resonance absorption lines of Li-like and Be-like ions are clearly obser
We report the experimental results of a mode-locked diode-end-pumped Nd:YAG laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror(SESAM)from which we achieved a
甾体性腺激素的异常分泌是导致子宫腺肌病(AM)的重要原因 ,其中泌乳素在AM的发生中有重要作用。本文探讨了子宫腺肌病患者的泌乳素分泌状态和可能的临床意义。对象和方法选择1997年7月~1999年
The phenomena of improved edge confinement due to ion cyclotron radio frequency boronization were observed with a fast reciprocating Langmuir probe in the HT-7
CNx films with x ≈ 0.5 were prepared on to a titanium coated ceramic substrate by using microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition. As-deposited film
A model is proposed to describe the photoelectron decay process at room temperature in cubic AgCl microcrystals homogeneously doped with K4Fe(CN)6. By combining
By analysing the action of a beamsplitter on squeezed vacuum states (SVSs), it is found that, if the two inputlight beams of the beamsplitter have the same sque