Study on Water-Preserving Effects of Mulching for Dryland Winter Wheat in Loess Tableland

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnanjr
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Focused on the rainfall characteristics and the reality of agricultural production in the loess tableland , and based on previous results, new patterns for dryland winter wheat production, in which the emphasis was put on the film mulch with obvious water-preserving advantage, were designed to make effective use of rainfall. The results showed that the technique of the double mulch of film plus straw in summer fallow period can collect the rainfall in this period to the utmost extent and over 73.2% of it can be stored in the soil, which is 108. 4 mm more than that of conventional tillage. Furthermore, it can not only preserve water stored in soil in summer fallow, but also collect the rainfall in the growth period as much as possible by using the technique of making ridges plus film mulching and furrow sowing. So the patterns, which can greatly increase both the soil moisture and wheat yield, are the best choice for making full utilization of the rainfall and achieving a high and stable yield in the dry Focused on the rainfall characteristics and the reality of agricultural production in the loess tableland, and based on previous results, new patterns for dryland winter wheat production, in which the emphasis was put on the film mulch with obvious water-preserving advantage, were designed to make effective use of rainfall. The results showed that the technique of the double mulch of film plus straw in summer fallow period can collect the rainfall in this period to the utmost extent and over 73.2% of it can be stored in the soil, which is 108. 4 mm more than that of conventional tillage. Furthermore, it can not only preserve water stored in soil in summer fallow, but also collect the rainfall in the growth period as much as possible by using the technique of making ц and film mulching and So the patterns, which can greatly increase both soil moisture and wheat yield, are the best choice for making full utilization of the rainfall and achieving a high and stabl e yield in the dry
课堂教学是科学,也是艺术。艺术讲究意象。所谓意象,就是客观物象经过创作主体独特的情感活动而创造出来的一种艺术形象。“意”就是意念,“象”就是物象。意象是寓“意”之“象”,是用来寄托主观情思的客观物象。它是主观的“意”和客观的“象”的结合,是融入人的思想感情的“物象”,是赋有某种特殊含义的具体形象。课堂教学要创设、使用和解读特定的意象。  一、意象的形成  1.意象是一种心理活动。从心理学角度看,意
1.鄂天麻1号 (1)品种来源:宜昌市林业学校用云南“乌天麻”作母本,宜昌“红天麻”作父本配组育成,原代号乌×红。2002年通过湖北省品种审定。 (2)品质产量:品质经湖北省中医
教研力主要指教学的思想力,而教学力是相对于教研力而提出的教学行动力。教研力乃教研发展水平的总和,教学力则是教学的综合实力。中小学如何提升教学力呢?我想,至少要在以下三“力”上下功夫。  一、转化力  如果说教研力主要是就“道”而言,那么,教学力则主要是就“术”而言。《易经·系辞上》云:“形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器。”所谓形而上就是非具体的、抽象的、某种程度上无法准确描述而只能意会的“道”。形而