
来源 :国外坦克 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzliang
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冷战结束以后世界形势的变化并没有对和平的实现产生正面影响,最近发生的地区冲突仍然接连不断。虽然说大坦克战的时代已经结束,但是,在新的冲突形态下,战斗车辆仍然没有失去它的重要性。近距离战斗是地区冲突的一个突出特征,由飞机等发射的远程精确制导武器并不适用,对具备防护性能的战斗车辆的依赖性越来越高。战斗车辆可以直接进入局部地区,具体说来,就是可以对多种威胁提供机动性的强大火力支援。 然而,非对称冲突的可能性很高,城市巷地等则是战斗车辆所面临的一种恶劣作战环境。原因之一就是传统战斗车辆的防护性较低。随着威胁的增大,新的战斗条件下乘员生存能力受到了特别的重视。不过,利用现有技术来满足防护性/生存能力的要求,坦克的战斗全重就会增大到70~80吨重,这会直接影响到运输性和高度机动性等要求。因此,不可缺少的是创新的防护技术,以美国、俄罗斯和德国为首的主要战斗车辆研制国家积极开展了主动防护系统的研究开发(详见图1)。 以下,根据国外信息资料,对主要国家战斗车辆主动防护系统的研制动向作简要介绍。 The changes in the world situation since the end of the Cold War have not had a positive impact on the realization of peace. The recent regional conflicts are still coming one after another. Although the era of the big-tank war is over, the battlefield vehicles have not lost its importance in the new state of conflict. Close combat is a prominent feature of regional conflicts. Long-range precision guided weapons launched by airplanes and others are not applicable and are becoming more and more dependent on combat vehicles with protective capabilities. Combat vehicles have direct access to local areas and, specifically, are powerful fire support that can provide maneuverability to multiple threats. However, the possibility of asymmetric conflicts is high, and urban alleyways are a harsh combat environment for combat vehicles. One reason is that traditional combat vehicles are less protective. As the threat increases, occupant survivability under the new fighting conditions has received special attention. However, with existing technology to meet protective / survivability requirements, tank weight increases to 70 to 80 tonnes, which directly affects shipping and mobility requirements. Therefore, indispensable is the innovative protection technology. The major developing countries of combat vehicles headed by the United States, Russia and Germany actively carry out research and development of active defense systems (see Figure 1). The following, based on foreign information, the main national combat vehicle active defense system research trends for a brief introduction.
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