通过水模型试验研究了摇包熔池的混匀时间(Tmix )与摇包转速的关系,并提出了一种新的混匀时间的判据。试验中用水作为模拟介质,NaCl 溶液作为示踪剂,用两支电导电极监测示踪剂浓度的变化,两支电极分别安装在熔池的死区和活跃区。研究发现,之前被学者普遍采用的以熔池波高的变化作为判断摇包混合效果的方法是不准确的。通过试验测定摇包熔池的混匀时间,提出了摇包最佳转速的概念。同时发现,摇包内的混匀时间与示踪剂加入位置有关。“,”The relationship between mixing time (Tmix )and shaking speed in the shaking ladle bath was experimen-tally investigated through a water model,and a new criterion of mixing time was proposed.Water was used to simulate liquid metal and a NaCl tracer was added during the experiments.Two conductivity probes were used,one in the dead zone and the other in the active zone.The experimental results showed that the method of judging wave height in the bath,which was widely used to judge the mixing efficiency,is not exact.A new concept namely optimum shaking speed was proposed based on the relationship between the mixing time and shaking speed.The experimental results also showed that the mixing time was dependent on the tracer injection positions in shaking ladle.