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高校财务管理可以看作是将高校管理和财税改革有机结合起来的纽带,同时它也是财务管理必不可少的一部分。对于高校财务管理我们可以从它的管理形式出发,一方面,对于其管理形式的不断完善能够带动高校的发展更加良性化。这同时也可以作为财税改革的一个非常重要的凭证。目前,在我国正在大力的推动“营改增”的推广实施,这一举动在一定程度上给高校财务管理工作带来了冲击,高校财务管理日益显现其缺点。本文首先简单地介绍了“营改增”对高校财务管理的影响;其次,说明了高校实施“营改增”的几个重要意义;最后,就当前高校实施“营改增”过程中出现的一些常见问题给出了几点分析建议。本文探讨“营改增”对高校财务管理的影响,其目的在于希望通过具体分析来加快高校财务管理的前进步伐,为高校财务管理发展道路扫清障碍。 Financial management in colleges and universities can be seen as a link between the university management and tax reform, but it is also an integral part of financial management. For the financial management of colleges and universities, we can proceed from its management form. On the one hand, the continuous improvement of its management style can drive the development of colleges and universities more benign. This can also serve as a very important voucher for fiscal reform. At present, in our country, “popularization and reform” has been vigorously promoted. This move to a certain extent has brought an impact on the financial management of colleges and universities, and the financial management of colleges and universities has become increasingly flawed. This article first briefly introduced the influence of “Yingzengzeng” on the financial management of colleges and universities. Secondly, it explained several important significance of colleges and universities in implementing “Yingzengzeng”. At last, “Some common problems appear in the process gives some analysis suggestions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of ”Yingzengzeng" on the financial management of colleges and universities. The purpose of this paper is to hope to speed up the pace of financial management in colleges and universities by concrete analysis and clear the obstacles for the development of financial management in colleges and universities.
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