为了探讨生长在陡坡和铁、公路两侧的落叶松人工林适宜的(使林分相对稳定,保持生态平衡)更新方法,我所于1969年开始进行长白落叶松人工林伐前更新试验。林下更新树种有红松、辽东冷杉和红皮云杉。目前,更新幼树生长良好,试验林分已成为复层针叶混交林。近几年,此更新方法已在本溪地区推广,到1983年,落叶松人工林伐前更新面积已达一万亩,成活率均在85%以上。现将试验方法和结果整理如下: 一、试验区概况试验区位于东经125°55ˊ、北纬40°50ˊ。海拔200-600米。年降水量1,013.7毫米,年
In order to explore the suitable method of updating larch plantations on both steep slopes and railways and highways (to make the stands relatively stable and maintain the ecological balance), we started the pre-harvest experiment of Larix olgensis plantation in 1969. Under the tree species are Korean pine, Liaodong fir and red spruce. At present, the regeneration saplings grow well and the test stands have become multi-layered coniferous mixed forests. In recent years, this updating method has been popularized in Benxi. By 1983, the area for renovation of larch plantation had reached 10,000 mu and the surviving rate was over 85%. Now test methods and results are summarized as follows: First, the experimental area Overview Experimental area is located east longitude 125 ° 55’, latitude 40 ° 50’. 200-600 meters above sea level. Annual rainfall of 1,013.7 mm, year