Influence of Co, W and Ti on the Stress-rupture Lives of a Single Crystal Nickel-base Superalloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laurachenqh
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The influence of Co, W and Ti on stress-rupture lives of a Ni-Cr-AI-Mo-Ta-Co-W-Ti single crystal nickel-base superalloy has been investigated using a L9 (34) orthogonal array design (OAD) by statistical analysis. At a selected composition range, Ti content was the most important factor to the effect of the stress-rupture lives and then followed by Co content. W content had the minimum effect on stress-rupture lives. The optimal alloy should contain 10 wt pct Co, 8 wt pct W and zero Ti. The optimized alloy also had good microstructural stability during thermal exposure at 870℃ for 500 h. The influence of Co, W and Ti on stress-rupture lives of a Ni-Cr-AI-Mo-Ta-Co-W-Ti single crystal nickel-base superalloy has been investigated using a L9 (34) orthogonal array design ) by statistical analysis. At a selected composition range, Ti content was the most important factor to the effect of the stress-rupture lives and then followed by Co content. W content had the minimum effect on stress-rupture lives. Containing 10 wt pct Co, 8 wt pct W and zero Ti. The optimized alloy also had good microstructural stability during thermal exposure at 870 ° C for 500 h.
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