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这是1958年大跃进中,广大群众对病虫预测预报工作的颂歌。目前,南自海南岛起,北至黑龙江,西到天山两麓,东达沿海一带,到处都建立了病虫预测预报站。山区、平原,稻田、果园,到处有灭虫尖兵们的踪跡。他们不管风霜雨雪,不分酷暑严寒,日夜坚持着对病虫活动的观察记载,并把预测的结果和应当采取的防治措施报导给农业生产领导部门和附近的人民公社,指导着防洽工作的及时开展。为了争取农业大丰收,加速社会主义建设,他们不怕困难和疲乏,几年如一日 This is the carnival in 1958 during the Great Leap Forward, the masses of pests prediction. At present, south from Hainan Island, north to Heilongjiang, west to the Tianshan two foothills, east of coastal areas, pest forecasting and forecasting stations have been established everywhere. Mountains, plains, rice fields, orchards, there are traces of exterminating pioneers. Regardless of the ups and downs of wind and rain, they are adhering to the observation and record of pest and disease activities day and night, and report the results of the forecast and preventive measures that should be taken to the agricultural production leading departments and the nearby people’s communes to guide the preventive work In time. In order to win the bumper harvest of agriculture and speed up the construction of socialism, they are not afraid of difficulties and fatigue. In recent years,
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一、黑光灯作为一种诱虫灯的优点 黑光灯能够诱集的害虫有:水稻螟虫、玉米螟、刺蛾、豆天蛾、甘薯天蛾、造桥虫、天社蛾、红铃虫、螻蛄等200余种。这些害虫最敏感的光线波长
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