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不少知识分子有过不幸和坎坷,但他们始终不改初衷,对祖国和人民一片赤诚。今天他们正在为国辛苦为民忙,创造着伟大的业绩。今年七月份,我有幸再次走访了美丽富饶的海滨城市——烟台,并走访了位于芝罘西南芝阳山下的烟台市农业科学研究所。它被碧绿幽秀的田野环绕着,山影茫茫,曲径蜿蜒,郁郁葱葱,到处鸟语花香,充满着生机和诗情画意,令人心旷神怡。芝阳山下五百亩试验田,温室、大棚、工厂、威严矗立的办公楼和新盖起的秀丽多姿的科研大楼以及芝阳山上排排的宿舍,加上明媚的阳光、微风细浪,构成了一座美丽、幽雅、清新的“山村”——这就是烟台市农业科学研究所。短暂的采访使我深深地爱上了这个地方,爱上了在这里辛勤工作着的同志。采访开始时,首先听取了所长、书记、副所长、副书记和科研管理科长等科学帅才们对烟台农科所的科研成果、科研体制改革、党委的政治思想工作、以及知识分子工作和群众生活等问题的介 Many intellectuals have had unfortunate and rough ups and downs, but they have always kept their original minds unchanged and are sincere towards the motherland and the people. Today they are working hard for the country and people, creating great achievements. In July of this year, I was once again fortunate to visit Yantai, a beautiful and affluent coastal city, and visited the Yantai Agricultural Science Institute, located under Zhyangyang, southwest of Zhifu. It is surrounded by beautiful green fields, the vast shadow of the mountain, winding meanders, lush flowers everywhere, full of vitality and poetic, it is refreshing. Shiyangshan five hundred acres of experimental fields, greenhouses, greenhouses, factories, majestic stands of the office building and the newly built beauty of the scientific research building and Zhyangshan lined quarters, with bright sunshine, the breeze, forming A beautiful, elegant, fresh “mountain village” - this is Yantai Agricultural Science Institute. The brief interviews made me deeply in love with this place and fell in love with the comrades who worked hard here. At the beginning of the interview, firstly, we listened to the achievements of scientific research, reform of scientific research system, political and ideological work of Party committees and work of intellectuals of Yantai Agricultural Science Institute by scientific elites such as director, secretary, deputy director, deputy secretary and scientific research management chief And the masses of life and other issues of referrals
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