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一九六四年在大学毛主席著作、大学解放军的号召下,我部档案干部不断的提高了政治思想水平,发挥了革命干劲,在办公厅领导的重视和支持下,开展了司、局之间的立卷评比活动,通过比学赶帮找差距的群众运动,全面地推动了立卷工作。过去能够坚持平时立卷的单位只有四个,并且沒有完整的立卷类目。通过评此绝大多数的单位建立了平时立卷,不仅拟定类目,并基本上做到了卷內系统排列,不少单位还把五年以上(归档案处的)与五年以下不同保管价值的文件(留本单位保管的)分别立卷,为年终归档准备了有利条件,避免了年终突击的情况。开展好司、局之间的立卷评比活动,首先是组织好评比小组。小组的成员是以司局兼管立卷同志为主,档案部门配合参加,但每小组人员不宜过多,有5—8名 In 1964, under the call of Chairman Mao and the Liberation Army of the University, cadres of archives and cadres in the Ministry continuously raised their political and ideological levels and played a revolutionary and energetic drive. With the attention and support of the leaders of the general office, Between the volume of the establishment of competitions, through the study to help find the gap between the mass movement, to promote a comprehensive roll of work. In the past, there were only four units that could insist on the usual roll-up, and there was no complete list of rolls. By evaluating this vast majority of units to establish the usual legislation, not only to draw up the categories, and basically done within the volume system arrangement, many units also more than five years (at the archives) and five years of different custody value Of the documents (kept in the custody of the unit) were set up separately for the year-end filing prepared favorable conditions to avoid the year-end assault situation. To carry out good division between the Secretary, the Bureau of the contest, the first is to organize a good team. The members of the group are mainly composed of comrades in charge of taking charge of the management of the file and the cooperation of the file department. However, there should not be too many members in each group, 5-8 of them
一 我汉民族历史悠久,而且有经。五经、九经、十三经。不似《圣经》,有如《圣经》。然而,我们的经,在我国思想和学说鼎盛时期还没有这样吓人的头衔;把本来和诸子平起平坐的某
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文 本刊记者 马文良  中关村创新中心区(CID)位于海淀北部地区,面积226平方公里,涵盖西北旺、温泉、苏家坨、上庄四镇。它是中关村国家自主创新示范区核心区的重要组成部分,是首都北部研发服务和高新技术产业集聚带的重要构成。通过与中关村科学城等重点创新功能区建立对接机制,建立起高端的战略新兴产业“专精特新”产业集群,构建产城融合、城乡统筹发展的创新区域,从而使CID成为海淀创新发展的新的增长极。