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2003年12月4日是近代史上最具影响力的杂志之一《花花公子》创刊50周年的日子。半个世纪以来,《花花公子》成功地由一本淫秽的刊物转型为集时尚和前卫于一身的国际性杂志。《花花公子》之父赫夫纳别出心裁地把色情照片同引领时尚的著名作家的作品同时刊出,创造了一种独具时尚色彩的色情文化。《花花公子》已成了著名品牌.早在1993年,中国大陆就有了首家花花公子专卖店。如今,在中国大陆、香港和台湾有300多家专卖店。那么,赫夫纳的《花花公子》帝国是如何起家的他对《花花公子》50年来走过的历程和成功经验有何评价为何有那么多好莱坞巨星和时尚大腕如莎朗·斯通、克劳馥和贝辛格等竞相为之充当裸体模特面对激烈的竞争,《花花公子》又将如何应对本文娓娓道来,为你提供这些问题的答案。当然,这篇文章是赫夫纳对法新社记者的访谈录,自有他吹嘘的成分,但也为我们了解《花花公子》及赫夫纳其人提供了一些材料。 December 4, 2003 was the 50th anniversary of the publication of Playboy, one of the most influential magazines in modern history. For half a century, Playboy has successfully transformed from an obscene publication into a fashion and avant-garde international magazine. Hafna, the father of Playboy, ingenuity published pornographic photographs with the works of famous fashion-leading writers at the same time, creating a uniquely fashionable porn culture. “Playboy” has become a famous brand. As early as 1993, mainland China had the first Playboy store. Today, there are more than 300 specialty stores in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Then, How did Hefner’s Playboy empire start? How did he comment on the course and successful experience of Playboy in 50 years? Why are there so many Hollywood superstars and big names like Sharon Stone and Grams? Labor and Besinger are competing against each other as a nude model in the face of fierce competition. How Playboy will respond to this article and provide answers to these questions. Of course, this article is an interview with Hefner’s AFP reporter. He has his bragging elements, but it also provides some materials for us to understand Playboy and Hefner.
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