The Experience of a New and Fashionable Chinese Blue Ink network Class

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  【Abstract】This paper introduces a new and fashionable network class platform in China in this year. Many teachers in the university of China have been using this APP which named “Blue Ink Network Class” to open a network class in order to assist with the classroom activities and keep a record of students’ learning behaviors in and after class as a reference of the processing assessment. The “Blue Ink Network Class ” is a network platform which promotes mobile instant interactive teaching, and it supports web version and app version of mobile phone. The biggest advantage of this platform is that it can realize the instant classroom interaction and mobile learning everywhere, and records all the students’ learning behaviors, such similar participation behaviors as downloads, discussing, and the completion of the assignments and the like. Students can get some experience and charisma through participation in classroom activities and downloading class data.Teachers can evaluate students’ ordinary performance at the end of the semester through “Blue Ink Network Class ” , which platform can be used to make a judgment of the students’ presentation referring to the students’ experience in the usage of the “network class”.
  【Key words】Blue Ink; network Class; mobile learning; interactive learning
  With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has entered all walks of life. The education sector has also begun to explore the Internet education mode. There is no doubt that now 90 students are growing in the Internet era, who grew up playing with intelligent mobile phone.The way of obtaining the knowledge for students is increasingly dependent on the network. Therefore, in the traditional classroom, the mobile phone management becomes a problem of education workers troublesome. Many students play with mobile phones in their most of the time in addition to sleep. If we still use the traditional chalk, a blackboard teaching, or by ordinary multimedia and PPT, these knowledge has been unable to meet the needs of our students. Therefore, this paper aims to explore and introduce a new modern teaching mode for education under the environment of Internet, and tries to carry out a mobile learning effectively by using network platform and intelligent mobile phone, and meanwhile improves the students’ Learning interest to achieve a win-win situation for teachers and students through optimizing teaching resources.
  1. The first experience of the “Blue Ink Network Class ”   How to make the college English classroom “live”? How to make students “play”well with mobile phone and other mobile devices to achieve active learning? This is one of the main problems of the teachers that need to solve in the “Internet” background, as well as the key point of this paper. The following describes the use of “Blue Ink Network Class” from the following two parts.
  The main interface of “Blue Ink Network Class” platform designs five functions(as shown below): Ballot/Questionnaire, Brainstorming, Question Time/Discussion, Test, and Assignment/Group Work. At present, each activity has been tried by the project team:
  1.1 “Brainstorming” Function
  In “Brainstorming” function,students can speak freely on a particular topic,but they can not see others’ discussions and comments . Only when the teacher close the activity, can students see other people’s views, and teachers can click on the “Praise” button to add some students’ experience who have good discussions or comments. After students see others comments and learn from each other, teachers can restart the same activities and let the students revise their second round of discussions and comments.In a word,this function can cultivate students’ ability of independent thinking, and this brainstorming activity can be used before-class preparation, classroom discussion and after- class extending discussion.
  1.2 “Test” Function
  Any test content can designed in the “Test” function, such as the key point of each class knowledge, self-study test before and after class and so on. In the test, the system can record the students’ test time,accuracy and ratings. Teachers can see the “statistical analysis” after students finish the text, explain the errors and specify some students to retest. This function can be performed with the classroom test and the quiz after class, which makes immediate feedback about classroom content learning available.
  1.3 “Group” Function
  Teachers divide the student into several groups in class or after class to do the grouping task, and let students imitatively make a mutual evaluation to each other through this platform, which can boost students’ sense of participation and sense of achievement. This paper mainly adopts group-dividing in class because the university is the implementation of credit’s system for the class, and students are in different majors and different departments, so grouping in class is time-saving. After the group work, when the assignment is submitted, the system may make preferred default submission of the group representatives or the last submission.That’s to say, the former submission will be covered by the followed in the group work submission. If the group work need everyone to submit a comment of the content, the teacher must let the members of the group submit one by one so that it will not prompt coverage.   1.4 “Question Time /Discussion”function
  ①“Discuss” Function: This function is used for the students for discussing a topic , but it’s difference from the “brainstorming” discussion.When the topic is discussed, everyone can see all the contents of the discussion among the students. In the “brainstorming” discussion,only the teachers can see the content of the discussion, and when teachers submit evaluation or close activities, other students can see the discussion. Therefore, the teachers usually like to use this function to facilitate the discussion in class in order to stimulate mutual inspiration and adjust the classroom atmosphere.In the practical teaching, most of the students enjoy this instant and interactive discussion.
  ②Question Time:
  This function appears when students long press the speech of others. If the students do not see the former speech,students can click on the button named History, and the system renew the information every 15 minutes. In the button named History it includes button Record, both teachers and students can enter the answer library and give answers to the questions. When designing the activities , teachers can disable audio. After finishing the activity , teacher can also obtain complete data which can be download from the platform. This function is easy for students to raise doubts and get responses or answers.
  1.5 “Assignment” Function (as shown below)
  This network class can achieve rapid assignment submission and feedback in correcting the students’ homework. Students can upload various styles of assignments from text, voice, pictures to other forms of work. Teachers can correct the assignments and can also set the rules to ask each student to make an assessment for each other. Or the requirement of assessment is the same as “group work” activities.
  1.6 Resources
  This function can upload many resources to the whole class such as PPT, video, audio, word documents and other information, but downloading the learning materials need to consume a large amount of Internet flow.The students are supposed to download small PPT and word document , and large video recommendations for students’ learning are advised to be downloaded in the case of WiFi .
  1.7 “Voting/ Questionnaire” Function
  The “questionnaire survey” is like a chicken ribs in this platform,which is tasteless but wasteful to discard. This function can only design a simple questionnaire and in the form of subjective choice questions.   2. The Specific Teaching Cases
  This paper tries to bring the electronic products such as mobile phone into classroom teaching to assist with completing the teaching objectives and various tasks. Taking my university’s teaching design of College English for the first Unit “Learning a Language” as an example. According to the English curriculum teaching requirements of College English, the teaching mode is required to focus on “the students-oriented”, and pay attention to the cultivation of students’ pragmatic ability and self-learning ability. Besides, in order to highlight the independent learning and individualized learning concept in teaching, the attention of teaching should be paid to mobilize the enthusiasm of the two aspects of teachers and students, especially students’ principal position and the teacher’s main position of the leading role in the teaching process.
  2.1 Teaching Objectives
  According to the students’ learning level and for sake of the realization of autonomous learning, interactive learning, mobile learning and individualized learning concept, the paper develops the teaching objectives for one Unit: to cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability through a variety of teaching activities; and to guide students to sum up a good way to learn a language through autonomous learning and interactive learning..
  2.2 Teaching Strategies
  The teaching design is to fully reflect the modern occupation teaching idea of students’ principal position and teachers’ leading position, and the teaching is based on the experiencing strategy, exploring strategy, pragmatic strategy of teaching.Different forms of personal preparation, group discussion and collective summary can achieve the experiential strategies.The use of “Blue Ink Network Class” platform, Baidu search and other information technology teaching means can conduct the exploring strategy for the analysis of various methods of language learning methods . Fusing the pragmatic strategy, the teacher posts the assignments before class using the“Blue Ink Network Class” platform. The students are encouraged to speak freely in the network class platform, which guides students to ask such a question as “how to learn English effectively (how to learn English effectively).”During the class teaching, A 5-minute video which is about a foreigner William’s learning language tips shows language learning methods for students to solve the confusion in language learning. After class using the network class’s “Group Work” function to organize the group discussion, the students are asked to sum up the meaning of the passage, conclude a language teacher’s language learning advice, and then submit answers to the “Blue Ink Network Class” platform to share with other students.The students’ answers will be evaluated by the teacher. Finally, the teacher summarizes the main points of the activity. All in all, the whole teaching design aims to base on the teachers’ leading position and students’ autonomous learning and interactive learning as the main way of teaching and learning method because thelanguage learning is to emphasize the imitation, practice and use.   2.3 Teaching Process
  The whole teaching process can be summed up the four links in four words “checking, learning, thinking, doing” (as shown below)
  2.3.1 Checking: That is, to discuss and find questions through pre-class preparation
  Before class, the teacher releases the preview outline by the network class platform , and the students make autonomous exploration according to the outline through Baidu search, picture search, and other means of methods, and use the network class platform to make the “brainstorming” discussion to find out further questions: how to learn English effectively? The “brainstorming” function can also cultivate the students’ critical thinking ability. Kovalik (2007) pointed out in his study that critical thinking can be promoted by three activities: “active thinking about topics, exchange views with others, make a more convincing judgment”(Zhang Fuhui, quiet summer 2012). The implementation of specific teaching is to take three steps: brainstorming discussion for the topic,group activities to further discuss topics, solve problems and draw conclusions.
  2.3.2 Learning: That is, to explore new knowledge with cooperative learning.
  Teachers in my project team play a brief micro-lesson video “Foreigners William’s language learning tips” to let the students visually see the wrong language learning, and then conduct a group work discussion using the network class platform to make a summary of each paragraph in Exercises 2 of textbook . Meanwhile, students are required to upload the group discussion conclusion to the network class. Finally, the students evaluate the other team’s conclusion and make scoring, and then final evaluation summary will be given by the teacher after class. This way can cultivate the students’ thinking ability through group discussion summary.
  2.3.3 Thinking: That is, to broaden the idea of sublimation
  The use of the network class “Question Time/Discussion” function can arrange an grouping cooperation to discuss “Classroom Activity: What other English writers do you know?” to let students make acquainted with the familiar writers of other group members. According to the questions raised by the teachers and the content of group discussion, the students are asked to explain their own group points of view. This method can not only exercise the students’ language ability, but also enhance the language ability of induction. Discussion in the final can train the ability of students’ practical use of language to, and also review the key content of this course.   2.3.4 Doing: Review the main points of assignment
  Using the network class“Assignment”function can complete the “Theme-related Writing:Why I like to learn English /why I hate to learn English”, which aims to extend the effective discussion of the way of learning English effectively out of class.
  In general, the interactive teaching method is in the whole process of teaching. Teachers use interactive teaching theory for teaching according to the new features of 90s students in the support of network platform. Students get access to information before class, and use the “brainstorming” activities to preview the primary topic of discussion in this lesson. Teachers and students carry out the interactive discussion, feedback and answer the questions through group activities in the network media interactive platform. Afterwards students make an individual reflection through writing.
  3. Conclusion
  The design of this teaching is to add the modern teaching means in traditional English class according to the students’ new feature of the over usage of the mobile phone. The released task before class through “Blue Ink Network Class” platform (brainstorming or discussion) promotes students from passive learning into active exploration. In the class, the use of micro class video, WeChat and QQ group creates a teaching environment from the single teaching mode into a diversified teaching mode mixing the exploring, experiencing and application, which enhances students’ interest in learning, and improves the teaching effect. After class, the trial to all types of mobile phone’s appliance software(fluent in English, English dubbing interest, a hundred words cut, etc.)can enable students’ practical application of language ability through self training. The use of “Blue Ink Network Class” platform lets students pick up a lot of knowledge in actively exploring learning, master methods, and enhance the real ability and emotional experience.
【摘要】以《楚辭》的四个国内译本为研究对象,在我国国际影响力提升、文化输出重要性逐渐彰显的大环境下,重新审视典籍英译的翻译方法,走出文本分析的局限,强调译本的整体传播效果。针对译本体例编排方面,评析近十年来《楚辞》的四个国内译本,突出 “丰厚翻译”法对今后典籍英译的启迪。  【关键词】异质;典籍英译;楚辞;丰厚翻译  【作者简介】张俊娜,山东科技大学外国语学院。  一、近十年国内楚辞译本探析  《
江苏省连云港师专一附小教育集团盐河校区  【摘要】当今社会是一个现代化、国际化的社会,掌握好一门外语已经成为现在的趋势,英语已经成为中国中小学在校学习的第二语言,所以,掌握好英语已经是中小学生首要任务,也是他们日后的一种技能,随着新课程改革的变化,在教与学之间也产生了很多的变化,不再按照以老师为主的课堂进行教学,而是以学生为主,教师作为指导者和倾听者,那么教师在教学方法上就要做出改变,让学生学好英
【摘要】运用教学实验,访谈和数据统计等方法,研究英语专业四级考试对本校商务英语专业的学生,教材及课程设置的反拨作用。共调查商务英语专业二年级学生105人。 研究发现:测验对教材和课程设置有一定影响;对学生英语能力有正面反拨作用,有助于促进学生未来的学习规划,自我管理,学习策略的选择。  【关键词】 英语专四考试;商务英语教学;反拨作用  【作者简介】赵丹,武汉学院。  【基金项目】 武汉学院201
【摘要】上公开课是每位教师走上讲台后的必经之路,教师通过公开课前准备、上公开课、及公开课后的总结以提高教学水平;本文,笔者以《学前英语综合教程》(基础册)第七单元第一部分幼儿基数词11-19英语教学为例,从做好课前准备、设计好教学环节和及时总结反思教学效果三大方面,详细介绍基于MOODLE教学平台的中职学前英语公开课的准备与设计,上好中职学前英语公开课。  【关键词】公开课;备课;英语;教学设计 
【摘要】英语作为国际性交流工具在促进人类交流沟通及文化传播方面具有重要意义,如何让学生掌握英语技能也是当今教育所重视的问题。核心素养下的高中英语教学注重学生英语口语交际能力形成及学生思维拓展、情感态度的培养。本文围绕核心素养展开,从参与多样化英语活动、合作学习、多媒体教学等方面探索在高中英语教学中如何提高学生学习效率。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;学习效率  【作者简介】刘晨峰,江苏省姜堰二中
【摘要】本文基于Halliday的系统功能语法及Kress和Van Leeuwen建立的视觉语法分析框架,提出了一个适合分析多模态语篇互动意义的模型,并据此分析了电影海报《摔跤吧!爸爸》中的互动意义构建。本文兼具有理论和实际意义,在理论层面上拓宽了多模态语篇分析的研究领域,同时也能为电影海报的设计和赏析提供有用的参考。  【关键词】多模态话语分析 互动意义 电影海报  一、引言  随着多媒体技术的
文化负载词在不同翻译策略指导下的完美阐释不仅能够忠实地呈现源语文化,又能让目标语读者广为接受,喜闻乐见。本文以英文《哈利波特与魔法石》中的文化负载词为例,对苏农的《哈利波特与魔法石》中文译本的翻译进行分析,探索如何才能最大程度的翻译出这些文化负载词的原汁原味。  一、引言  一个国家历史文化的积淀,会为该国的语言打上深深的文化烙印,一些源语中的文化负载词很难在译入语中找到与之对应的词。这种文化鸿沟