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黄家驹,这伤感而不屈的灵魂,离开我们已经整整10年了。他及其乐队Beyond的音乐,陶冶、激励了70年代末出生的一代人。如今,他的歌仍在练歌房被人们广为传唱,在铺满落叶的黄昏街道从某个充满激情的胸腔里飞出、飘扬。应一位读者的要求,我们将这首与献给曼德拉的《光辉岁月》齐名的、抒写黄家驹心路历程的经典之作作为这一期“译文也悠扬”竞赛歌词。海阔天空词/曲黄家驹今天我寒夜里看雪飘过 Huang Jiaxuan, this sad and unyielding soul, has left us for a full 10 years. He and his band Beyond’s music molded and inspired a generation born in the late 1970s. Nowadays, his songs are still being sung by the people in the song room. In the leafy evening streets, they fly out of a passionate chest and flutter. At the request of a reader, we will use this classic title, written in the glorious years dedicated to Mandela, and written about Huang Jiaxuan’s mind as the lyrics for this period’s “Translation is melodious” contest. The sky is brighter and the word is in the sky. Today, I watched the drift of snow in the cold night.
Questions 1.How many people have died in wars since World War II? 自第二次世界大战以来,多少人死于战争? 2.What is the estimated number of civilian casualties in
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贵刊在1984年第六期上登载了方廷钰的文章“谈谈 we 的几个用法”,对我们正确理解英语有一定的帮助。但除了方文中所谈到的用法之外,还有一些情况是该文中所没有涉及的。本
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