
来源 :中国海关 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengyidaocaoren
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如果你是一只飞鸟,就可以自由地越过任何山川河流。对你来说,国境没有任何意义。但对于一件商品,进出国境则要复杂困难得多。即使通过了那个叫作“口岸”的地方,在到达目的地之前,还有漫长的时空距离。如同中国的行政区域被划分为30多块,每块被称作“省”、“直辖市”、“自治区”或者“特别行政区”,海关的职能区域也被划分成数十块,分别由数十个直属海关分管,各地海关都有自己的管辖范围,称作“关区”。现在已经无法考据关区的概念从何而始了,但在2006年9月1日之前,如果你办理通关手续涉及到两个以上的关区,就必须办理转关手续。然而当这一天来临的时候,只要你是A级或者AA级诚信企业,你会发现原来泾渭分明的关区忽然“隐形”了。替代传统转关概念的,是“属地申报,口岸验放”这8个读起来颇为拗口的字。“不用那么勤快地跑口岸海关了,不用在口岸海关报关大厅排队等候了,不用非要等到海关监管车才能运货了,不用再进属地海关的监管场地了。”中国嘉兴外轮代理有限公司总经理俞伟光用四个“不用”概括了他对“属地申报,口岸验放”新名词的印象。这8个字的出现,使“关区”这一概念开始变得模糊。 If you are a flying bird, you can freely cross any mountain river. For you, the border does not make any difference. But for a product, access to the border is much more complex and difficult. Even after passing the place called “port”, there is still a long time-space distance before reaching the destination. Just as China’s administrative area is divided into more than 30 blocks, each of which is called a “province”, “municipality”, “autonomous region” or “special administrative region”, the functional area of ​​the customs is also divided into dozens of blocks each consisting of dozens A subordinate customs in charge of all local customs have their own jurisdiction, known as the “customs area.” Now it is impossible to test the concept of the customs area from where it started, but before September 1, 2006, if you handle customs clearance involves more than two customs areas, you must go through the clearance procedures. However, when this day comes, as long as you are an A-level or AA-level creditworthy enterprise, you will find that the original distinctly related customs area suddenly “invisible.” Alternative to the traditional concept of transit, is “to declare the territory, port clearance” This is quite a mouthful of words to read. “Do not run the port Customs so diligently, do not have to wait in line at the customs declaration hall, do not have to wait until the customs supervised car can be shipped, do not have to go into the custody of the customs territory.” China Jiaxing Foreign Shipping Agency Co., Ltd. total The manager, Yu Weiguang, summed up his impression of the new term “declaration of territory application and port clearance” with four “no” requirements. The emergence of these eight words has blurred the concept of “customs zone”.
回顾总结辽宁庄河胃癌防治现场二十余年建设与发展历程,探讨癌症高发地区开展防治工作的成功经验及实现可持续发展的运行模式,为政府制定肿瘤防治规划提供科学依据。 The re
在语文阅读教学中,既存在教师对文本的解读,也存在学生对文本的解读、教师与作者的交流、学生与作者的交流以及教师与学生的交流。据此,笔者认为:语文教师在阅读教学中引导学生进行情感体验,应从以下三个方面入手,才会收到良好效果。  一、教师首先要让自己感动  当代语文教育家于漪说过:“语文教学中教师首先要让自己感动”。  在阅读教学中,语文教师首先要认真解读文本,体会、理解作者在文章中所要表达的真实思想感
在后国际金融危机时期,面对“以转型促发展”正在成为中国经济发展主线的新形势,全国各地特别是沿海地区都在适时调整思路政策,全新筹划经济社 In the post-international f