本文所讲的会茶,不是有些地方订婚、相亲俗称的“会茶”,而是一百多年前我们福建北部曾活跃一时的一种群众组织的名字。 沧海桑田,时移俗易,现在知道会茶历史的人可能不多了。笔者前不久查索明清档案,在申报推行“联甲法”的一件史料中,偶然获得会茶的梗概,因会茶与清乾嘉年间闽北茶业历史上的许多史实有关,特联系某些方志、笔记材料,借贵刊一角,以作介绍。
The tea party in this article is not the “tea party” that is commonly known in some places as an engagement or blind date, but rather as a mass organization that we had been active in northern Fujian a hundred years ago. There are so many people who know the history of tea nowadays. I recently searched the Ming and Qing archives, in declaring the implementation of the “associated law” in a piece of historical data, chance to get a synopsis of tea because of tea and the Qing dynasty tea industry in Fujian history of many historical facts, especially Contact some of the local records, notes, by the corner of your magazine for an introduction.