
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cttc_tom
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近年,受极端天气气候的影响,我国水旱灾害呈多发、频发、日趋严重的态势。面对频繁发生的严重自然灾害,中华儿女坚持不懈地同水旱灾害作斗争,经受了惊心动魄的大洪水和历史罕见的持续干旱的严峻考验,取得了历史性的伟大胜利。目前,我国已初步建立了防汛抗旱法律法规体系,颁布实施了水法、防洪法、防汛条例和《蓄滞洪区运用补偿暂行办法》等法律法规,明确规定了政府、部门和社会的职责,使防汛抗旱工作更加制度化、规范化。2007年,全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)不同程度受灾,暴雨、山洪、台风和干旱多发或并发,淮河流域遭遇仅次于1954年的大洪水,水旱灾害较重。总体来看,暴雨虽强,但应对有序;洪水虽大,但防范有力;灾害虽重,但损失较小。重要堤防无一决口,大型和重点中型水库无一垮坝。全国因洪灾死亡人数较常年减少五成,在抗御淮河流域性大洪水和防御第16号超强台风“罗莎”期间,没有造成一人死亡。洪涝灾害经济损失较常年同期减少两成,减淹耕地6079万亩(405.3万hm~2),减免城市进水200多座,减灾效益达2005.8亿元。抗旱浇灌面积3.98亿亩(2653.3万hm~2),挽回粮食损失455.6亿kg,挽回经济作物损失437亿元,解决了3101万人的临时饮水困难。 In recent years, due to the impact of extreme weather and climate, floods and droughts in our country are frequent, frequent and increasingly serious. In the face of the frequent and grave natural disasters, the sons and daughters of China strenuously struggle with floods and droughts, have withstood the grim floods and the severe tests of prolonged drought, a rare history, and have won historic and great victories. At present, China has preliminarily established laws and regulations for flood control and drought relief, promulgated and implemented laws and regulations on water law, flood control laws, flood control regulations and the Interim Measures for the Compensation for the Use of Flood Detention and Storage Areas, and clearly stipulated the responsibilities of the government, departments and society so that Flood control and drought relief work more institutionalized and standardized. In 2007, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) affected by the disaster in varying degrees, heavy rainstorms, flash floods, typhoons and droughts occurred frequently or concurrently. The Huaihe River basin hit the flood waters just after 1954, resulting in serious floods and droughts. Overall, the heavy rain is strong, but the response is orderly; the flood is large, but the prevention is strong; the disaster is heavy, but the loss is small. There is no single dam on the major embankments, and no large-scale and medium-sized reservoirs collapse over the dam. The death toll from floods in the country dropped by 50% from the previous year and no one was killed while fighting the Huaihe River Basin floods and the No. 16 super typhoon “Rosa”. Economic losses from floods and floods decreased by 20% over the same period of previous year, with a decrease of 60.79 million mu (3.603 million hm 2) of arable land, relief of 200 infill water in cities, and a reduction of disaster-hit benefits of 205.08 billion yuan. Drainage water area of ​​398 million mu (26.533 million hm 2), saving 45.56 billion kg of grain loss, saving 43.7 billion yuan of cash crop losses, and solving the temporary drinking water problem of 31.01 million people.
The toxicity of ionic liquids (ILs) on soil organisms has aroused wide attention due to their high-solubility.The present investigation focused on the toxicity
1 故障一故障现象 :近一段时间VHF频段电平时高时低。从屏幕看VHF段节目正常时能达到 4级 ,但短时间出现严重的雪花现象 ,用场强仪测试电平低于正常值。故障分析 :低频段电平低 ,