苏格兰金洛赫利文铝厂 ,于 190 7年筹建 ,190 9年完工。电站装 11台冲击式水轮机 ,各驱动两台 2 5 0VDC发电机 ,为熔炼铝供电。该电站已安装了 3台 10MW混流式水轮机 ,以替代电动机发电机组。承包商Alcan冶炼和电力公司应用Gilkes低比转速混流式水轮机的经验有
The Chilo-Lowe Aluminum Plant in Scotland was built in 1907 and completed in 1909. The plant is equipped with 11 impact turbines, each driving two 250VDC generators to power the smelter aluminum. The station has installed three 10MW Francis turbines to replace the motor generator set. Contractor Alcan Smelter and Power Company’s experience with Gilkes low speed Francis turbines