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近日,昆明市呈贡县一名副局长因听课打瞌睡被令辞职,此事一时间成为社会和国内众多媒体关注的焦点,也由此引发“一次瞌睡就勒令辞职究竟该不该”的争议。自23日媒体对该事件进行了报道后,社会各界给予了高度关注,本刊记者2月25日在百度搜索栏中已找到16000多篇相关主页,网友们的评论多不胜数。“这不仅是改变会风,更是改变领导干部的工作作风,但愿以此唤醒更多沉睡的干部。”网友无忧草的留言获得了不少支持者的赞许。另一方面,“一个会太无聊,人家打个瞌睡都不行?还要让辞职?”有人认为处罚过重、此举“长官意志”过于浓厚、“人治代替了法治”等观点也引起了不少人的响应。 Recently, a deputy director of Chenggong County in Kunming was ordered to resign because of class drowsiness, which became the focus of many media attention in the society and at home in a period of time. This caused “a drowsy order that should not be resigned” Controversy. Since 23rd of the media coverage of the incident, the community has paid close attention to our correspondents on February 25 in Baidu search bar has been found in more than 16,000 related home page, netizens comments numerous. “This is not only to change the style of meeting, but also to change the style of work of leading cadres. I hope this will awaken more sleepless cadres.” “Fearful grass’s comments won the praise of many backers. On the other hand, ”one will be too boring and others will not be able to make a drowsiness, and will they be allowed to resign?“ Some people think that the punishment is too heavy. The move ”the will of the governor“ is too thick and the ”rule of man instead of the rule of law" Other points of view also caused many people’s response.
据有关资料报道 ,随着生活水平的提高 ,电脑越来越多地进入了寻常百姓家。但由于一些地方的电压不够稳定 ,许多家庭便为电脑配置了电力稳压器 ,其实这样做的结果往往适得其反
军用技术正在进入民用市场,但仍然面临着工程技术挑战。 Military technology is entering the civilian market but it still faces engineering and technical challenges
各位代表、各位来宾: 第三次全国科技翻译学术研讨会经过半年多的筹备,今天胜利开幕了。全国各省市科技翻译界一百六十多位代表云集在古老的新安江畔,相聚在美丽的山城屯溪
基于广东人均GDP已超过3000美元,作为以汽车工业为支柱的广州市,建立以本土汽车工业控投的金融服务公司,开拓多元化的融资渠道是必要的,也是可行的。 Since per capita GDP