
来源 :文艺生活(艺术中国) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaohaochang
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艺术自诞生以来,对于艺术是什么的提问就一直没有停止过。谁也不敢肯定自己能将它说个透彻明白。但在我们意识深处,总是隐隐感觉有一条线在最深处将各类被称之为艺术的东西联系在一起。但我们能肯定的是:架上绘画是一门独立的、普遍认同的艺术形式。而另一方面,我们又绝对不会说所有的架上绘画都是艺术。只有少数的架上绘画才被请进美术馆,贴上“艺术”的标签。架上绘画是艺术,亦即它具有与其他艺术门类诸如音乐、舞蹈、行为艺术、装置艺术等的一种深层同构。前面说到架上绘画在现代语境遭遇价值质疑实质是说架上绘画在作为“艺术”的一种言说功能 Since the birth of art, questions about what art is has never stopped. No one can be sure that he can fully understand it. But in our senses, there is always a faint feeling of a line connecting, in the deepest depth, all kinds of things called art. But what we can be sure of is that on-frame painting is an independent and universally accepted art form. On the other hand, we absolutely can not say that all on-the-shelf paintings are art. Only a handful of shelves of paintings were invited to the Museum of Art, labeled “Art ” label. Frame painting is art, that is, it has a deep isomorphism with other art categories such as music, dance, performance art, installation art, and the like. In front of the shelf painting is encountered in the context of the value of the modern context questioned the essence is that frame painting as a “art ” a kind of speech function
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