
来源 :东南法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trung
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“雷洋之死”重新将公众的视线集中在公民死亡案件死因的认定问题上,雷洋扑朔迷离的死因并非个例,类似“躲猫猫死”“喝水死”等疑云下的死亡结论,暴露了我国现有架构下死因认定程序的诸多弊端。由于现行的死因认定程序具有认定主体的单一性、认定程序的封闭性及法律规则的分散性等特征,使得这一直接影响案件是否进入刑事程序的死因结论往往公信力不足,无疑不利于公正司法的构建。因而在我国现实语境下重构死因认定程序迫在眉睫,应吸收域外施行的死因认定程序中的控权及民主等司法理念的合理内核,建立独立、公开裁判的审前死因裁判机制,以在保障公众知情权的同时更利于发现案件客观真实。 “Lei Yang’s death ” re-public focus on the identification of the cause of death of citizens on the issue of the death of confusing Ray is not the case, similar to “hide and seek”, “drink water” and other suspicions The conclusion of death underlies the many defects of the procedure for determining the cause of death under the existing structure in our country. Due to the fact that the existing procedures for determining the cause of death have such characteristics as the unity of the subject of affirmation, the closedness of the affirmation procedure and the decentralization of legal rules, the conclusion of the cause of death, which directly affects whether the case enters the criminal procedure, is often lack of credibility and undoubtedly unfavorable to impartial justice Construct. Therefore, it is imperative to reconstruct the cause of death cognition in the context of our country’s reality. We should absorb the reasonable core of the judicial concept such as the power of control and democracy in the process of identifying the causes of death, establish an independent and open referendum pretrial tribunal mechanism, At the same time, the public’s right to information is more conducive to discovering the objective and truthfulness of the case.
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本文从湖南工业园区发展的现状和问题入手,而后分析了湖南工业园区的发展方向,然后阐述了工业园区跨越发展的关键突破点,最后提出了发展湖南工业园区的政策建议。 This arti