发挥优势 体现特色 繁荣民族题材电视创作——内蒙古召开民族题材电视剧电视片创作座谈会

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为了进一步推动民族题材的电视创作,8月21日—22日内蒙占电视艺术家协会在呼和浩特召开了全区少数民族题材电视剧、电视片创作座谈会。来自中国电视艺术家协会、自治区近年富有创作实力的导演、剧作家、评论家及有关电视艺术工作者近30人参加了座谈会。座谈会上,内蒙占广播电视厅副厅长、内蒙占电视台台长刘瑞同志首先介绍了近年内蒙古民族题材电视剧、电视片创作的成绩、体会及有关情况。之后,与会人员就自治区民族题材电视创作的现状、优势与存在问题发表了各自的意见和看法。大家一致认为,内蒙古民族题材电视剧、电视片创作在全国省台中具有特色,近年来取得了一定的成绩,一些优秀作品获得自治区及全国各种奖项,民族影视队伍日益壮大。但也应清醒地看到,九十年代以来民族题材电视创作在市场、资金等方面遇到了一系列困难,同时在一些创作中也有重表层民俗民风展示、轻深层民族 In order to further promote the television creation of ethnic themes, the Inner Mongolia TV Artists Association held a symposium on ethnic minority television dramas and television production in Hohhot from August 21 to August 22. Nearly 30 people from the China Television Artists Association and the Autonomous Region, which are creative directors, dramatists, critics and television art workers, attended the symposium. At the symposium, Comrade Liu Rui, deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Bureau and director of the TV station of Inner Mongolia, first introduced the achievements, experiences and experiences of the dramas and television programs of Inner Mongolia nationalities in recent years. After that, the participants expressed their opinions and opinions on the status quo, advantages and existing problems of the ethnic television creation in the autonomous region. All agreed that Inner Mongolia ethnic television dramas and television programs have their own characteristics in Taichung, and in recent years some achievements have been made. Some outstanding works have won various awards in the autonomous regions and the whole country and the ethnic film and television teams have been growing stronger and stronger. However, we should also be soberly aware that there have been a series of difficulties encountered in the creation of ethnic theme television since the 1990s, as well as the re-appearance of folk customs in some creative works. The light and deep ethnic groups
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