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今年4月,临澧县档案局举办了“纪念县档案馆建馆25周年展览”.展览分前言、机构演变与干部配备、馆藏、收集、利用、检索工具、编研、理论与技术研究、后记九部份,介绍了临澧县档案馆建馆25年来的发展变化过程和取得的成果.同时,展出了档案馆收藏的部分珍贵档案,如林伯渠同志1913年8月——1917年9月的日记原 In April this year, the Archives Bureau of Linqu County organized the “Memorial Exhibition for the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the County Archives Museum.” The exhibition features foreword, organizational evolution and cadre equipment, collection, collection, utilization, search tools, compilation and research, theoretical and technical research, postscript Part Nine introduces the process of development and changes in the construction of the archives of Lintao County in the past 25 years and some achievements made in the collection of archives. Some of the precious archives collected by Archives, such as Comrade Lin Boqu, August 1913 - September 1917 Diary original
作为装甲车全面现代化计划的一部分,意大利陆军目前正在致力于新型“标枪”(DARDO)步兵战车的采办工作。 这项现代化计划还曾涉及另外两种装甲车辆的采购。第一种是“半人马
【正】 主机单网卡+HUB或交换机方式(宽带入线接入HUB或交换机的级联口,客户机接普通端口)(主机网卡负载INTERNET通信和局域网双重通) 主机设置:1、将单机设置成为可进行宽带
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Despite major achievements in the treatment ofchronic hepatitis C with the combination ofinterferons and the nucleoside analog ribavirin themajority of patient
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